Physical changes that occur in the brain through learning

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There has been a lot of research on the brain and we homeschoolers have learned many fascinating and surprising things from neuroscientists. Probably the most surprising fact about our brain is that it is constantly changing and growing. Scientists call this neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity – a long but important word when we think about teaching children and actively engaging their brains. According to Judy Willis, a neurologist and educator, neuroplasticity is defined as the selective organization of connections between neurons in our brain. Basically, what scientists have discovered is that as we learn new things, our brains physically change and grow. Throughout our lives, our brains are growing and changing and making new connections as we learn new things and experience new situations.

neural connections

As we learn, neural connections are made. The more we use those connections, the stronger the connections become. “Cells that fire together, wire together” has been a saying among neuroscientists since the late 1990s. When we perform tasks or remember some information that causes different neurons to fire together, the connections between these cells become stronger . As we continue to perform the task and associate the information, those connections become strong links between various parts of the brain.

Not only do our brains make neural connections, but depending on activity, parts of our brains can even grow. Think about how when you exercise your arm muscles, they tend to grow bigger and stronger. Our brains work the same way. If we are doing an activity or learning concepts that use specific parts of our brain, that part will physically change and grow.

This works throughout our lives. Consider how important it is, then, to start building useful connections even in young children. As they gain information, connections are made and strengthened. When new information is presented, it adds to these connections and becomes a permanent part of your thought processes.

Things to think about when teaching at home school

We can start by telling our children that intelligence is not static. It is something that is malleable and that you can work to change. When they know they can grow and change, children are more likely to actually do so.

Practice makes perfect. As children practice with a concept by repeating activities, recalling memories, and reviewing material, strong neural pathways are built.

Remember to teach in context. Learning is the creation of new or stronger neural connections, so we need to build on what children already know. Teach so your children see the connection between new information and what they already know.

Help children understand that this is how the brain works. As they realize they have control over their learning, they can change their brains through study and review.

Homeschool Application

As we teach our homeschoolers a subject like science, for example, we need to constantly think about how to make these neural connections stronger and more real. By not being afraid to teach the principles of science, even to young children, we are building pathways that will connect them to even deeper information as they enter high school and college. Apply what they are learning not only to science but to the other content areas as well. Learning the history of how a concept has developed, taking language and understanding it, and discovering how people have thought about the concept helps children build connections that become stronger and more easily accessible the next time they meet new people. information.

The most important thing to remember is that our brains are not done growing. There is more to do and to learn. The work of a homeschooling parent is never done.

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