Daily Weight Loss Tips

Whether it is for the wedding season, the festive season or just to be healthy, everyone wants lose weight and look fit. Unhealthy lifestyles often include lots of fatty and junk food along with little or no exercise. Sitting in your chair at work all day can cause all the fat to accumulate on your

6 Surprising Benefits of Cold Water Therapy for Fat Loss, Detox, and Recovery

Much has been made lately about the benefits of cold water therapy for fat loss, detoxification, and recovery. “Cryotherapy”, o Cold water immersion, cold showers, cold gel packs, and cold water detox bathing (based on Louis Kuhne’s friction sitz bath) are popular with athletes and health seekers, and can equally benefit virtually everyone else. A

Will a Persian cat be a good pet for you? Pros and cons

Why a Persian cat will or will not make you a good pet A Persian cat can make a wonderful companion, but before you get one, you need to consider their living environment, the time and energy available to care for them, and the type of interaction you want to have with your new pet.

Google Vs Yahoo – Who is greener?

Silicon Valley is known for both innovation and hype. Recently, this group of innovation has extended beyond bandwidth to environmental protection. Google and Yahoo, the search engine giants, are based in the Valley and have been making headlines by greening their offices, reducing energy use and trading carbon. The PR motivations are obvious, but are

What constitutes an ethical company?

I wanted to explore the meaning behind the word ‘ethical’ today, and how some companies manage to slip through the net using marketing tactics. I recently read articles praising companies that were considered the most ethical – there is a list of these illustrious and successful business companies from 2013, 2014 etc. – and set

You are a bully! Oh shut up, you’re just a wimp!

If you have a child who has been labeled a bully or is being bullied, learning the ways in which we naturally defer is essential for your peace of mind, your child’s positive development, and the foundation that will be laid for their mental and emotional quality of life. . Understanding the natural elements that

Kitchens – Quality designer kitchens

Designer kitchens have all that character with touches of current design. Manufacturers and designers know that kitchens need to be about more than just cooking. For them, whether you aspire to have that ultra-modern high-gloss kitchen, classic, rustic or traditional in style, you can be sure that you will have a versatile kitchen that you

Create brand loyalty

All companies have a brand, whether they realize it or not. Having a brand is an inevitable consequence of being in business. A positive brand builds brand loyalty. If properly managed, brand loyalty is a powerful source of sustained profitability. However, very few business leaders know how to maintain brand loyalty among their customers. They