Ethical behavior

Ethics play a quiet but important part of our lives. Ethics comes into play when we work, when we play, and anytime we interact with others. Ethics is a set of rules that each of us essentially lives by, although they are usually unwritten rules. Ethical behavior means that you live, work, or play ethically,

Tips for Buying Vintage Items

Many people like to collect vintage items like possessions and accessories of famous people and celebrities of yesteryear. Although it may seem crazy at times, collectors of these items place great value on their varied collections. For example, some people participate in auctions and make winning bids just for collecting the priceless items sold. In

Five fun but frugal ways to entertain friends at home

To keep stress at bay, you’ll need to relax, unwind, and hang out with friends. But with restaurant meals, drinks, and movie tickets getting more expensive every year, almost everyone can’t help but be budget conscious. And with the reality of paying off student loans or credit card debt, forget about taking trips and vacations

Cell Tower Lease: Sell, Joint Venture or Refinance?

Cell tower lease: charge it or? There are several ways to turn your cell tower or rooftop lease into cash without giving up title. Just like any other piece of real estate, you can choose to sell your lease, joint venture with your lease, or recently, the option to refinance your lease is now possible.

Wisconsin Contract Law – What Makes a Contract Legally Binding?

As a business owner, you probably enter into contractual relationships every day. Many of you deal with written contracts on a fairly regular basis. However, do you understand the basics of contract law and what makes a contract legally binding? Do you know what to look for when reviewing contracts prepared by the other party,

Marketing Advantage: Small Business

Small businesses have powerful advantages over large companies when it comes to marketing. But small businesses often lose these advantages because they are seduced into emulating large corporations. The typical marketing approach of large companies is to use the resource they have the most, money. Those big corporations tend to spend a lot of money

The story of a true American musical art form: the blues

In the history of music there has probably not been a musical style that has influenced “Popular Music” more than Blues. The blues is also unique in that it is truly an “American” musical art form. As we will discover, the roots of the musical styles of Jazz, Rock, Gospel and musical artists from BB

3 things you should always look for in a vacation rental

Traveling away from home can make some people anxious because at home, your bed feels a certain way, you know all the TV channels, and everything feels cozy. Vacation rentals aim to make travelers feel no different about their accommodation. You should be able to see it as a “home away from home”. Better yet,

Mobile storage containers: why they could replace self-storage

Mobile storage is a fast growing industry. It’s fast, convenient, and offers an appeal that self-storage lacks. Today’s industry supports both styles of storage, but portable drives are becoming more popular. Will the two markets grow together, or will portable storage start to stifle self-storage? The trends are leaning towards the latter and here’s why.