Too busy growing your own business?

I’ve been talking to many virtual assistants recently about the blockages they’re facing in their businesses. One that comes up time and time again is that they can’t focus enough on their own business to make it grow properly. We work hard to get clients, and then we’re too busy with client work to look

Food preparation areas

We will use the term “prep areas” to refer to meal planning. After all, in most kitchens there are many more activities besides cooking. Here are some of the main job sections you can find. Manufacturing: The manufacturing area is where raw (or processed) food begins its journey to its final destination: the diner’s plate.

How to engage and inspire with interactive content marketing

Easy Ways To Stand Out From The Competition Using Interactive Content Marketing I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage “Content is king.” While that’s true, it’s no longer enough to simply write a text-rich blog post and hope that engagement ensues. According to a Microsoft study, the average human has an attention span of eight

Arrange a congratulatory party for different occasions

A congratulatory party can be organized for many different events. Like a congratulations party for getting a raise, getting a promotion, getting engaged, getting a high score on a test, etc. Congratulations Party means fun and excitement and sharing happiness. For this, the party must be perfectly planned. For those of you who haven’t planned

High-protein diets and the risk of dehydration

Dehydration is about more than just feeling thirsty, though doctors are quick to remind patients that once they’ve felt thirsty, it’s too late—they’re already well on the day of dehydration. The actual condition of dehydration is an abnormal loss of body fluids that can be caused by a number of reasons. While low-level dehydration can

Charities and Trademarks – Names and Trademarks

Whether a charity is a household name or an innovative start-up, like any ordinary business, you’ll need to think about your brand. If the charity is about to launch, it is worth doing a trademark search. When starting new businesses, there is so much to do and think about that name clearance is sometimes overlooked.

Oral-Systemic Connection: Fix the Cause, Not the Symptom

A recent article in a dental journal extensively described the oral-systemic connection, that is, the influence that the teeth and gums have on the entire body (the “system”) and vice versa. He was referring to the overwhelming attention this topic is receiving in both the dental and medical literature. As an example, common knowledge in

Solid data on e-waste that should drive you to action

E-waste means Electronic waste in its entirety. In basic terms, it refers to all types of electrical and electronic equipment that could enter or have entered the waste stream. E-waste is a very general term, but it is considered to mainly cover computers, mobile phones, televisions and many household appliances. This field is growing rapidly

Invisible Grivory Knives For Metal Detectors: Should Security Guards Be Worried?

Undetectable weapons passing through metal detectors have long been a problem in the security industry. Despite 3D printing experiments, usable non-metallic firearms remain a pipe dream for the average criminal. “Plastic Glocks” caused a gust of panic in the late 80s: the Austrian manufacturer developed a pistol, significant parts of which were made from non-ferrous