Never Bitter Coffee Maker – Technivorm Moccamaster KBTS741

Home Kitchen

Are you one of those unfortunate people whose coffee always seems to taste bitter? You’re not alone. Coffeemakers don’t have a share button because too many people would share the disgust. If you have to leave your house for a nice cup of coffee, you should consider looking at and buying a Technivorm Moccamaster KBTS741. Let’s review some facts.

Technivorm Moccamaster KBTS741 has been certified by the Specialty Coffee Association of America and the European Coffee Brewing Center, which have surprisingly high standards. It is recommended by Cook’s Illustrated. Joe did better than all other coffee makers in a taste comparison test conducted by America’s Test Kitchen. Seattle Coffee Gear has made videos bragging about the great beer that Technivorm Moccamaster makes.

That’s quite a resume for a drip coffee maker. How does this Moccamaster make a coffee that outperforms other coffee makers? The secret to their success is that they use a copper heating element in their craft drip coffee makers.

Your coffee maker uses an aluminum heating element. Aluminum heating elements heat the water gradually. When the water is gradually heated, the water that drips first is too cold to brew coffee. Your coffee may be hot when the pot is finished, but your brew has been ruined because the bitter flavors present in the coffee grounds were released by water that was not heated to the optimal water temperature range. If the water heated by your machine is too hot (some coffee makers get too hot after they finally heat up) or too cold when it hits your grind, you will get a bitter, flat and boring coffee.

The Technivorm Moccamaster KBTS741 copper heating element produces the optimum temperature for brewing coffee. The preparation process is completed in 6 minutes. Brew time is another Specialty Coffee Association of America standard that other brew systems do not meet. Grounds should be exposed to hot water for a limited period of time to release only the flavors that coffee drinkers enjoy. Most drip coffee makers take much longer because they are still heating the water for a perfect cup of yuck.

This coffee maker is simple with no programmability, a warming plate to cook the coffee in a glass carafe, or any unnecessary features that are not needed to make great coffee. Your coffee is kept warm in a thermal carafe with a lid.

It has a 9-hole adjustable shower head to fully saturate your routines. You can use a permanent Swiss gold filter or paper filters. Some people like to use the gold filter because they say that the paper filters remove more oils from the grind.

The Technivorm Moccamaster KBTS741 is an 8-cup coffee maker. The Technivorm Moccamaster KBT-741 is a 10-cup coffee maker. All Technivorm Moccamasters are handcrafted in the Netherlands with a copper heating element to make delicious coffee. Every unit produced is tested to ensure that coffee brewing standards are met.

The Technivorm Moccamaster coffee maker with thermos jug costs more than most coffee makers. Reviews from product owners say it’s worth the extra cost. You will not have to leave the house to go to a cafeteria for a rich and smooth coffee. You can make delicious coffee in your own home every day.

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