NCIS Character Analysis – Agent Tony DiNozzo


The senior field agent for the NCIS team is Anthony DiNozzo. He has a fun, laid-back style that entertains all the other team members and himself. It is almost impossible to find a subject that Tony does not turn into a comedy or reference to a movie. Although he is all laughs on the outside, he is a cold agent on the inside. He’s smart, brave, and hard to fool. DiNozzo fits in as the senior field agent, due to his ability to brighten the mood with humor and his incredible leadership skills.

Tony loves to tease McGee; It has become a necessity for him! From Agent DiNozzo, we learned great words like ‘McGeeky’, ‘McCranky’, ‘McGoo’, ‘McFlabby’ and many other golden nicknames for Agent McGee. Tony is a huge movie buff and apparently spends most of his free time watching movies. He loves to talk like his favorite characters and make situational references to his favorite movies. This is ancient DiNozzo, and possibly his most admirable quality.

When it comes to serious business, Tony is a business. He is not afraid of violence and could use it when necessary. Like Gibbs, Tony doesn’t show his fear. Instead, he uses it to improve his overall skill as an agent. He is extremely protective of his teammates, as seen by his fear for Ziva in season 6. When he suspects a relationship between Ziva and Rivkin, he confronts Rivkin several times, warning her to stay away from Ziva. When he ignores Tony’s warning, Tony comes to arrest him and a fight ensues. This is all because Dinozzo was afraid that something bad would happen to Ziva. Agent DiNozzo is a conversationalist, but when it comes to business, he lets his actions speak.

Tony, however, has a problem. He does not know how to have a proper relationship with women and sometimes it can be seen in the way he works. Going from one girl to another can be fun, but DiNozzo soon realizes that he is looking for something more in his life. Look for stability. When he finally finds someone, it is in the most dire circumstances and the relationship does not work out. Tony’s problem remains in his psychology to this day, adding an unwanted element to the way he works. Sometimes women distract him a lot in his interviews, and Gibbs sends someone else to do it.

Agent Anthony DiNozzo has many admirable qualities; such as strength, courage, humor and the ability to incorporate all 3 at the same time. This combination of characteristics makes you an excellent senior field agent or team leader. It can be anyone, depending on the situation. Tony has relationship problems that affect him on a deeper internal level. Overall, he’s one of the most entertaining characters on the show and has the most traits in common with Gibbs. Who says you can’t make jokes as a federal agent?

Now that we know who he is, let’s answer a basic questionnaire about what Agent Dinozzo would do in certain situations:

Q1. Your best friend just lost a loved one, how do you handle it?

A. Tony DiNozzo is not as strong as Ziva, in the sense of feeling emotion after the loss of a loved one. He feels devastated after the loss of Agent Todd and Director Shepard. Tony knows how difficult this is for his best friend, so he would be there to help him get through.

Q2. You just won $ 1,000,000 on a lottery ticket you bought. How do you react?

A. Of course, Tony would parade around the NCIS building, bragging about his lottery win, exactly what he was going to do with the money, and would poke fun at McGee and Ziva. What would you do with the money? Tony would buy the car of his dreams.

Q3. Your best friend has just achieved his dream goal. How do you show your support?

A. Tony is the type of person who is happy about his friends’ accomplishments, but can be the jealous type. You would probably congratulate your friend on the phone and comment on how you could do the same. DiNozzo has arrogance and self-confidence. His big ego would have something to say.

Q4. On your deathbed, how well did you live your life? Is there anything you would have done differently if you had a second chance?

A. DiNozzo would probably regret not seeing every movie ever made. Not really, but what Tony would really regret is his inability to find stability in his relationships. Assuming he dies single, he wishes he could have a life partner. For someone with whom to share the experience of life and possibly have children. DiNozzo doesn’t regret many things, but his love life would probably be one of them.

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