Natural remedy to treat hangover, hay fever and jet lag

Lifestyle Fashion

Natural remedies are simple, easy to try and have no harmful effects. Problems like hangovers, hay fever, and jet lag can be easily treated with natural remedies. This article looks at how aromatherapy can be helpful in treating hangovers, hay fever, and jet lag. Just read this article and you will find a list of useful essential oils in these conditions.

1. Hangover- The main cause of a hangover (headache, upset stomach, lethargy, nausea) is dehydration, so try to drink plenty of water or fruit juice when you wake up and, if possible, the last night. Then try the following aromatherapy treatment.

First, make a cold compress to which you add a drop of juniper oil and a drop of fennel oil. Apply to forehead and temples. Next, mix three drops of rose oil in 1 fl oz (25 ml) of a carrier oil and massage into the liver area: the lower right side of the ribs and just below them.

Rose oil helps detoxify the liver. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is important as it will flush toxins out of your system more efficiently.

two. Hay fever – This is actually an allergic reaction caused by pollen from various bushes, trees, and grasses. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose and red sore eyes. Aromatherapy can relieve hay fever, but it won’t cure it.

Add six drops of hyssop oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam. Alternatively, mix six drops of hyssop oil in 2 fl oz (50 ml) of carrier oil and massage onto your cheeks and under your nose regularly. People prone to epilepsy should avoid hyssop.

3. Jet lag – This affects you when your internal biological clock becomes disoriented. It can cause changes to your normal eating and sleeping patterns and is usually debilitating.

During your flight, drink plenty of water and soft drinks, avoid alcohol and eat little. Sleep if you can, and before traveling prepare this aromatherapy mixture. Add four drops of rosemary, four drops of ylang-ylang, and four drops of lemon oil to 4 fl oz (100 ml) of carrier oil. During the flight, massage it on the neck, face and back of the neck down to the base of the skull. Upon arrival, mix some of the mixture into a warm bath and soak in it for at least 15 minutes.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the views of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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