Mission ‘Declaration’ Impossible

Legal Law

Dant dant da da dant dant da da. Dant dant da da dant dant da da. (That’s it
theme from “Mission Impossible”…) FADE IN.

Your mission, if you intend to accept it, is to create an infallible proclamation, a
roadmap, which not only serves ALL your business needs, but also provides you with a
inexhaustible source of fuel so you can prosper in your business. Watch out for the well-
intentional impostor called “the mission statement”. If you decide to accept
this mission… this item will self-destruct in… you get the point.

If you have been in business in any kind of formal sense or have come out of an MBA or
business school, you have no doubt been told to “write a mission statement” for
ensures that your business achieves the success you want for it. so i eat all good
success oriented business owners would do, you did what you were told and wrote
a; only to come across a hard-earned paragraph (or page) that isn’t giving
the power you thought it would have. Well it’s no wonder you feel like the wrong agent to
do the right job.

The inherent problem with writing a business mission statement is that it is a
external communication of what your business is and what it could do. It is
it is used to communicate the mission of your business to another person. This power-zapping
A situation has been created because you:

a) you wrote it because someone told you that this is how business is done,

b) Or most of the time you wrote it to show someone else that you deserve
get something, usually money or some other help for your business. This guy
on purpose it is easily manipulated to paint a certain image. Any photos you have.

Some may teach that making a mission statement is about communicating your
choice to others, thus giving him the ‘illusion’ of power. where is the power at
the illusion’? Certainly not in you, where it should be!

The communication point of the mission statement focuses externally on the recipient so that
in essence, you are giving the receiver the power of your communication. That is
marketing! Which is all said and good if and only if your internal communication, for
you and your team, is built and solid. If not, create a mission statement
it’s just like throwing a big party in your attic when you haven’t even gone to bed
the concrete foundation of the building.

Don’t worry. It’s an easy fix. It’s as simple as calling that ‘mission statement agent’
come back, save it for the right job, and train a new agent for the job.

The first and most important part of developing any business with a large
The business vision (a brand) is building a strong brand, and I mean bulletproof.
statement, which is the internal raison d’ĂȘtre of your company.

internal adj.

1. located within or affecting the interior of something,

2. involving or existing within the mind or spirit

reason_child n

1. an explanation or justification of something

2. a motive or cause to act or think in a particular way

3. a cause that explains a particular phenomenon

Your brand statement should be concise and clear, anchored in your passion and your
vision of what you are bringing to the world. It’s so completely internally anchored
which actually becomes the ruler against which you measure every business decision.
(An important distinction to keep in mind is that your brand statement is a
communication and is not for public use).

Without the core internal brand statement of your business firmly established, every time you
communicate your well-intentioned mission statement, verbally or in print,
you are essentially giving away your power. There is no amount of rewording or catchy creation.
The 30-second elevator pitch or “round robin” will change that.

Makes sense doesn’t it? Without really knowing the brand statement of your business,
even shouting your mission statement from Mount Everest will still feel…empty.

I get dozens of emails every day from people who have personal and business matters.
Lives have been changed by working solely on this amazing statement.

So you can start today. Focus on your brand statement before asking why
your mission statement is serving you. You will be amazed at the power, the clarity
and the financial success it will bring you.

You and your company will experience the phenomenon known as financial success
when your “inner” house is in order and provides the foundation for ALL your
external communication.

Good luck on your new mission!

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