marriage help for men


Men like to think of themselves as dragon slayers. If a wife has a big problem with a project, the husband is there to help. Most men tend to take home the paycheck and enjoy the feeling of being the main provider. They have made sure the house is nice, the family is dressed, and food is on the table.

All necessary things are taken care of and you can relax with a beer and TV remote in hand. Or, better yet, stop by the men’s club (or local bar) and swap stories with the guys. There is no need to call the wife. Anyway, she’s too busy to talk while she looks after the kids and makes dinner. Everything is fine and as it should be.

If you are a husband and this sounds familiar, you may want to take stock of how your marriage is going. How long have you been in this routine? Is it like this from the first day of your marriage or did you gradually fall into this scenario and feel so good that you don’t want to change?

Yes, the wife did complain from time to time, but what wife doesn’t? You may have been there physically for the little woman, but emotionally you were somewhere else. A good marriage requires both partners to be there for each other physically and emotionally.

Maybe it’s time to reinvent your marriage and make it a union of happiness and shared responsibilities. Maybe it’s time to sit down with his wife and ask her if she’s happy and if she’d like to have him home more. do not speak to your wife but talk with his. Communication is a two-way conversation in which each listens to the views of the other.

Commit to making yours a better marriage and it may be the best thing you’ve ever done. Guys don’t even have to know it, but it might show in your new attitude about life and love. It’s not a funky thing to do. In fact, you may be feeling more macho than you have in a long time.

Start by remembering those special days. Keeping a list would be prudent, such as anniversaries and birthdays. Include smaller but sentimental moments you’ve shared together that only the two of you would remember. Do something special that day. At least sending a card and some original poetry would be nice. You could cook her a meal for a change or treat her to dinner.

Toast your wife when you sit down to eat. Alcohol is not necessary. It is the intention that counts. Tell her at least one thing you like about her. A toast doesn’t have to be reserved for special occasions, either.

Make room for romance in your life with the love of your life. Break your routine and be more spontaneous. Do something thoughtful for his wife every day, or at least often.

Compliment her and do it sincerely. Take photos of your moments together and surprise her with a scrapbook later.

The secret to a happy marriage lies in learning to value your wife’s needs and wants as much as your own. She is the one you chose to share your life with. She is very much up to you to make it enjoyable and worthwhile.

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