Living Well Longer: Good Nutrition for Longevity and Good Health

Health Fitness

In the United States, the average life expectancy is 78 years; life expectancy worldwide is slightly less than 67 years. However, in Okinawa, the life expectancy is 81 years or more. Research indicates that the reason for this is quite simple: they eat a better diet. Elsewhere, this time the San Blas Islands, which lie off the coast of Panama, high blood pressure and heart disease are very rare (9 in 100,000 compared to 83 in 100,000 in the continental territory of Panama) (Source: Jaret).

The difference between the Okinawans and the residents of the San Blas Islands is not genetics or some special medical treatment, it is their diet that keeps them healthier and stronger for much longer than their peers. In the United States, that same benefit is seen among Seventh-day Adventists, who typically eat a vegetarian diet and live, on average, four to seven years longer than those in the same community.

The diets most commonly eaten by people who live the longest are low in saturated fat and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Most of these diets are rich in fruits and vegetables, getting most of their protein from vegetarian sources rather than meat. While there are some healthy, low-fat animal proteins, the typical American diet places too much emphasis on red meat, which is loaded with saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories that can clog arteries, cause massive weight gain, and lead to a increased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer.

Some of the foods suggested by these so-called “longevity diets” may be surprising, while others are quite obvious. Of course, fruits and vegetables of all kinds should be eaten; however, there are other suggestions as well. These include:

Whole grains, especially instead of processed, easily digestible simple carbohydrates. According to studies, you can cut your risk of heart disease in half if you include plenty of whole grains in your diet. Whole foods also protect against type II diabetes, which also reduces the risk of heart disease. When choosing your whole foods, be sure to read the label carefully. The first ingredient listed must be the whole grain. If the first word is “enriched”, then it is nothing more than white flour with a little coloring or molasses to give it flavor and color. The fiber content of these foods should also be quite high. A word of caution about whole grains, especially breads: some of them can have quite high calorie counts per serving, so again, the key is to read labels carefully and know what your personal dietary needs are.

Walnuts are a surprising thing to find on a must-eat list, but they are surprisingly beneficial for overall good health, especially your heart. However, they are high in calories, so the serving size you should have is very small, but for every few nuts you eat, you’re getting heart-healthy fats and extra fiber. They are also surprisingly high in other nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, protein, fiber, potassium, plant sterols, vitamin B6, and arginine. There are several different types of nuts that have been shown to be very beneficial, including walnuts (highest in antioxidants overall), almonds (the best source of vitamin E in nuts and containing more protein than a large egg, long considered the perfect protein source) and pistachios (highest in dietary fiber per serving and most nuts per one-ounce serving) (Source: Pratt and Matthews, 2004).

If you think you can only have bland bland foods when you’re eating healthy, with no snacks or treats, you’re wrong. In fact, dark chocolate has polyphenols that are believed to lower blood pressure and improve the flexibility of blood vessels. One study using dark chocolate and subjects who already had high blood pressure showed improvement in their blood pressure readings and insulin sensitivity after just a fortnight of eating dark chocolate every day.

While these healthy diets suggest most fruits and vegetables, blueberries may be king, according to a number of studies. They are high in antioxidants and have been shown to protect against age-related changes in the brain that can lead to serious memory problems and dementia. Blueberries are considered one of the “super foods” and have been included several times in books and diet plans as such. They’re so beneficial that in a book called Super Foods RX, the authors suggest trying to eat as much as a cup or two of these and other members of the family, including grapes, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, currants, and other berries. We have a daily basis. Blueberries and the others in this category can be fresh or frozen. Another benefit of cranberries: They relieve both diarrhea and constipation because they are high in pectin and are also good for urinary tract health (in a similar way to cranberries) (Source: Pratt and Matthews, 2004).

Everyone knows that the Okinawan diet, like other heart-healthy diets like the Mediterranean diet, is high in fish, especially fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats protect the heart, even from irregular heart rhythms that can cause heart failure. The fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, in fish oil may also protect against depression and age-related memory loss. ALA, another fatty acid, is found in flaxseed and may also have the same benefit. However, men should only get omega-3 fatty acids from marine sources, as other sources can lead to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.

Some of the best fish sources for these fatty acids are salmon, canned albacore tuna, sardines, Alaskan halibut, herring, sea bass, trout, oysters, and clams. The recommendation is to eat fish two to four times per week, however there are certain groups that may be restricted in the amount of fish they eat, especially particular varieties. The concern with some types of fish is the increased level of mercury, which can lead to mercury poisoning.

The coffee debate has come and gone a million times. This is bad for you; makes you nervous, nervous or nervous. It’s good for you, especially before a workout. The latest information suggests that coffee may protect against both type 2 diabetes and age-associated mental decline.

Protein is also important in the diet, especially plant-based protein such as soybeans and soy products. However, Americans are busy people, and protein supplements are often how they get most of their protein intake.


Peter Jareth. Eating for Longevity: Foods to Keep Your Heart, Brain, and Bones Healthy WebMD

Steven Pratt, MD and Kathy Matthews Super Foods RX: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life. Harper Collins Publishing, New York, New York 2004

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