Living in the world of duality is like riding a roller coaster

Legal Law

Living in the world of duality is like riding a roller coaster; one moment you are moving up and the next you are moving down. In the many lifetimes we have spent on this planet, we have sown the seeds of karma (karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action” and implies that every action causes a reaction). Some of this sprouted and began to bear fruit during the same life, but much of it remained for other lives that followed. We already know that to hold the universe together, every particle has an antiparticle.

This same principle applies to karma; every action has its anti-action or reaction. This is the universal law. Since we currently live in the three-dimensional reality realm of space-time, time appears to move in a linear fashion. It is our perception that things occur in sequence, one after another. An action here provokes a reaction there, after a certain time. Although this is just an illusion created by our 3D-oriented senses, most of us live by this notion of time. This allows us to perceive cause and effect as two separate events in time and space. Based on this delusional perception, we experience duality as a concrete reality, and this delusion runs through every event in our lives and is part of every relationship of ours.

We have purposely sown the seeds of happiness, joy, forgiveness, compassion, justice, friendship, caring, generosity, life saving, health, strength, etc. many times during our many existences on Earth. But we have also sown the seeds of fear, anger, depression, sadness, revenge, harshness, injustice, enmity, callousness, selfishness, destruction of life, illness, weakness, etc. What could motivate us to harm others and ourselves apart from the conviction that we are essentially evil by nature? The answer lies in the fact that love cannot assume its role in life unless we feel what it is like not to have loved. So we had to co-create, together with our soul family members, the ideal scenarios that would allow us to experience hateful relationships, feel rejected, be alone and/or isolated, etc.

All the actors in the drama of duality here on Earth have known in advance which role would benefit them the most in bringing them closer to conscious alignment with Spirit. We have all chosen to play the roles of victim and victimizer countless times. I personally killed dozens of people during my life as a warrior on the battlefields of the Middle Ages. I had been instrumental in bringing hardship and torment to many. However, I could not have done it if other souls had not agreed and volunteered to play the victim, paving the way for me to sow the seeds of healing, love and understanding in other lifetimes, like this one. In return, I offered to help others master their life lessons by similarly playing the victim according to the principles of karma.

There is no judgment in the law ‘as you sow, so you reap’. It is simply a self-evolving, perpetual life principle that sustains our perception of duality until we are able to transcend it and perceive it for what it is. We are not being judged by God or by anyone, except perhaps by ourselves, for taking duality to its extremes, that is, for being saints in one life and sinners in another. On the contrary, we are praised by the angels and teachers on the other side of the veil for doing such a painful job. It takes a holy vision and a lot of compassion to see God in a murderer.

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