Is your long-term relationship going nowhere?

Lifestyle Fashion

Can you remember when there was a moment, I don’t know how long ago, when you both looked at each other, the world stopped and you made a very special connection, something infinitely precious, and a light shone brightly? both of them. Over time that precious light has faded, and what was once something special has become something everyday, something mundane. Now, you may still be desperate to keep that light on, or you may just be having trouble believing in it. Whatever happens, if your long-term relationship is going nowhere, then you desperately need to take stock of your situation, as you just can’t keep drifting in limbo.

I think everyone hopes and dreams of finding someone special to share their lives with, get married, maybe have children and grow old together. Is it something you have with your partner but maybe your partner doesn’t seem to have that with you?

It could be that because the divorce rate is so high, your partner is afraid to commit and is happy to be in a relationship with you, instead of none at all. Your partner may have been unlucky enough to come from a broken home or have seen too many marriages break up and don’t want to risk them being added to the statistics.

“Familiarity breeds contempt”? Sounds harsh, right? But what I mean is that the relationship has become comfortable, like an old pair of slippers, so why change? If your partner basically gets all the benefits of marriage but without the commitment, then maybe they’ve gotten too comfortable with it and don’t want to change it, or have settled in it for so long they don’t know how to change it?

It is possible that the spark has gone out in both of you and you are simply going through the motions of daily existence, both lost in a malaise and unable or unsure how to change the course you are both on. us.

You have to take stock of your situation! If you and your partner have been together for a long time and want to get married and they keep finding excuses not to, then chances are it will never happen. If the two of you have been together long enough to really get to know each other, you both need to know whether or not you are getting married.

Our time on this earth is finite, therefore time is a precious resource, once it’s gone, that’s it, you’ll never see it again! Don’t waste your life on a relationship that’s going nowhere. If marriage is important to you, then your partner must be able to respect it. If they can’t, is a one-way relationship really worth it?

Now, before you take the next step, there are a few important things to consider. Is your partner your best friend? Can you imagine life without them? Can you imagine never seeing or speaking to them again? Most importantly, do you know if you still love them or not?

If things aren’t going anywhere quickly and you really can’t see them changing, then you need to give your partner an ultimatum. If they don’t marry you, you move away and find a new life. If your partner really loves you and doesn’t want to lose you, then they will agree, if not, then go and find someone new with whom you can have a satisfying relationship and be happy.

You’ve invested a significant chunk of your life in your long-term relationship, and you deserve better than going nowhere.

Whatever your problems are, I really hope you can work them out and instead of a long-term relationship that’s not going anywhere, you have a relationship that’s really going somewhere!

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