Is my ex boyfriend still in love with me? Signs that he wants you back!

Legal Law

“Is my ex boyfriend still in love with me?”

Good question. Before taking a single step in your ex’s direction, you will need to know exactly when it is best to approach him. There will always be signs that your ex boyfriend wants you back, delivered both openly and on some subconscious levels. The questions below can help you determine exactly how much your ex loves you and when he’s ready to accept you.

Has your ex ever shown up somewhere they knew you might be?

Every time an ex goes out of their way to see you, it means that they are still trying to control where you are and more importantly what you are doing. One of the biggest signs that your ex still loves you is when they stop by your home, work, or school. There is no valid reason for him to be in any of these places (unless he works or goes to school with you) other than to check what you are doing. Your ex misses you or is feeling jealous enough to see what you are doing.

Seeing your ex in social settings or parties is a different matter. If you and your ex share a lot of mutual friends, it might not mean much. But what if your ex seems to have become attached to your friends and is still hanging around from time to time? He’s probably more interested in you than hanging out in these places.

And don’t worry if you haven’t seen your ex since the breakup, this is pretty common. The good news is that if you walk away from him, you can start to create a void in his life where you used to be. Overtime will start thinking about you again, and this is when you will have to make your initial moves to get it back.

How long after the breakup did your ex-boyfriend show up to pick up his “things”?

Is my ex boyfriend still in love with me? The best excuse your ex will use to “see you” after a breakup will be when he comes to get his things. This is a unique opportunity for him to speak or communicate with you face-to-face.

An ex who comes to get their belongings fairly quickly may be angry or looking to get out of the relationship as smoothly as possible. This isn’t necessarily a sign of disinterest, but he may be trying to quickly bury his feelings for you.

When an ex takes several weeks to collect their things, it means they were giving the breakup time to settle down. It is very likely that he wanted to collect his thoughts and see what life was like without you before doing the final things by coming to get his things. This can actually be a good sign that your ex still loves you. When he arrives, your ex-boyfriend already has I already started to miss you, which could easily lead to a constructive conversation and the beginning of reconciliation.

An even better sign that your ex has strong feelings for you? When you leave your things behind. What is happening here is that you, as a girlfriend and lover, are more important to him than getting his things back. By not claiming him, he leaves the door to their relationship open … just in case he wants to go back and talk about things.

If you break up with a guy and you still want him back? Never offer to give him his belongings. Not only will he take this as a sign of rejection on your part, but you’re also wasting any chance that he will use those things to get his foot in the door again. If he asks for something obviously give it to him, but Never start the offer.

When you see your ex face to face, how does he react?

The way your ex-boyfriend reacts around you, including his words and body language, can say a lot about whether or not he still has romantic feelings for you. Many exes will behave in a friendly or cordial way with each other, especially in the company of friends. If your breakup wasn’t conflictive, your ex could very well be trying to be nice. But in some cases, when an ex is overly friendly, they might also be trying to make a second impression on you, and a good one.

Tea the biggest sign that your ex still loves you? When he can’t look you in the eye. An ex-boyfriend who feels uncomfortable around you but still hangs out in your presence probably regrets the decision to end your relationship and doesn’t know how to handle it. Getting an ex-girlfriend back after you’ve dumped her is a delicate process, and a man would be hard-pressed to confront that girl head-on.

If you haven’t seen your ex, it’s no big deal. Paths don’t always cross after a breakup. But when is your ex intentionally avoiding you or going out of his way to avoid seeing you again? You may be disconnecting on some very emotional levels. If you want him to come back, you will have to act quickly to get him interested again and quickly.

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