Is he "I need to relax" stress you out?

Home Kitchen

Most of us know that we need to relax more, take time to rejuvenate ourselves so that we can be even more productive in the future. But how often does the “need to relax” become just another item on your endless “to do” list?

To be “on edge” you are literally not centered, you are not at your spiritual center. ~Carrie Late

Particularly for women, it’s not unusual to see 28 hours of urgency in a 24-hour day. Everywhere she looks, there are people who depend on her: children, spouse, partners at work, all while juggling cupcakes for the school bake sale, driving carpools, and volunteering at her church. Even as we get older, we don’t seem to slow down. As grandmothers, we take care of our grandchildren and serve our communities with time and talent. Many women feel guilty if they are not really doing something for others, instead of taking the time to love and care for themselves.

No one can achieve inner peace by jumping on it. ~Harry Emerson Fosdick

A very simple way to create opportunities to relax, without letting our friends, family and responsibilities down, is to create little ‘touch points’ that will remind us very gently to take care of ourselves.

Imagine you’re making dinner, helping kids with homework who’d rather be struggling on the floor, and the phone rings. It’s his boss, wondering why that urgent report isn’t on his desk. As he explains himself, a second call comes in and it’s another parent asking if he can carpool to soccer practice tonight. As she ends the call, she sees an email from her husband saying that she has to work late. The wrestling begins, the kids are on the ground, the cat runs for cover, and you can almost feel the headache clutching your head in its hands.

As you reach for the refrigerator, you notice the Angel refrigerator magnet with the word Tranquillity engraved on its wings. Do you remember. You remember to breathe. You remember that living with joy is not a destination, but a journey. Remember to be kind to yourself, knowing that you are doing your best, and your best is better than good enough. Your kids will be fine, they’ll get their homework done, they’ll be fed even if it means stopping by the car on the way to soccer practice, and in just a few short hours you’ll be kissing their sweet little heads goodnight.

You remember to breathe. You remember the joy that exists in this beautiful life that you have created. You remember those things you’re grateful for, and in those brief 30 seconds it’s almost as if touching that angel’s wing is like touching your own beautiful spirit. Like acupuncture for the soul, this small act of connection unlocks and releases, allowing us to continue our journey refreshed.

To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring: it was peace. ~ Milan Kundera

Sometimes these touchpoint reminders can be accomplished with small blessing stones, carried in a pocket or arranged where you will often pass; or with a beautiful tapestry placed in your kitchen or by the door.

Just know that these little moments, these precious minutes of remembrance, can bring peace to the urgent hours and calm the hectic pace.

By Gail Kurpgeweit for Quintessence Creations

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