How To Get Your Ex Back: Undercover Tricks To Get Your Ex Back


Sometimes relationships just aren’t going to work out, in fact, statistically, the first or even the second relationship is prone to dissolving. Most people form relationships in their early to late teens, and therefore as they get older, they grow up to be different people. They are in a position to learn how to be a couple and who they really are, so there is a greater chance of the first relationship breaking up than, say, the second or third relationship.

Just because this is your first relationship doesn’t automatically mean you’re doomed to break up. On the contrary, many people marry their high school sweetheart and live happily ever after. However, when you’re young and in your first or second relationship, things can quickly get out of hand. The relationship can end over trivial complaints thrown on the spur of the moment. Some people break up because of the things their friends say about their partner. I knew a couple who got divorced because the wife was embarrassed that her husband was a welder on an assembly line.
(Oops, I dated myself, that’s when America was really producing products)

No matter what the reason for the breakup is, you have a good chance of getting back together, even if you’re the only one working for reconciliation, it’s not simple, but it can be easy. There are people who study such human behaviors and have discovered some “tricks” you can employ to get your ex back.

Think about how your relationship ended, what was the problem that caused the breakup? Find out, if this problem continues, even if they do get back together, they will probably split up again if they can’t grow from this time apart. If you get together and then break up again over the same issue, it will be harder to reconcile, so see what the problem is. See if you can change the way you acted or responded to the problem that arose so that you can deal with it.

Now take a look at yourself, unfortunately as humans we tend to get a little carried away after we’ve “caught” our partner and that can have a detrimental effect. Have you gained 45 pounds and gotten used to drinking beer and watching TV every night instead of doing the kinds of things you did when you were trying to win the affection of your peers? Do you need to act together?

I bet if you stay single long enough, you’ll be inclined to do those things with your appearance that are necessary to attract a mate. Make sure you do that for your ex first and fast. The more time passes beyond three months, the more difficult it will be for you to get your ex back. The reason I say this is that during the first two or three months there is a very high percentage of people who begin to look back at what they left behind and want to come home again, or if they want to recover that love they had . Left behind.

Funny, who wants to be at the meat markets when they had someone who loved them and who they could maybe get back together with? Make sure your ex sees that you’ve really started taking care of yourself again so that when she gets homesick she thinks about how great you looked the last time she saw you.

Now help your ex remember how great you are by having mutual friends mention you within earshot of your ex. Your plans for the summer, how good you look or how you just got that promotion. See if you can get mutual friends on your side to keep you in the conversation loop you have when you’re around your ex. Just like a big corporation, keep putting your brand in front of your ex smartly and not brazenly and definitely not stocking, texting or calling them.

When your ex hears that you are moving on in life and managing without him/her, they will naturally focus their thoughts on you. They are saying to themselves “What am I missing?” They might regret not sharing those things with you, particularly in light of what’s going on in their lives. You have it all over any new person because you meet your ex and he/she remembers you. They remember the good times.

All the bad things, the bad moments, the mind wants to forget and that is natural in the human being. We remember the good stuff, you just need to organize it so your ex gets a memory boost from time to time.

You can be “proactive” at this point by being in places where you know your ex is likely to be. Go ahead, grab a coffee at the same old coffee shop, take your friend out to dinner where you know your ex likes to hang out, that kind of thing.

Now I know that the last thing you want to do is visit all the places you used to go together, it’s painful, I get it, I’ve been there and if this strategy is too painful for you, don’t do it, there are other ways. If you can handle it, although there may be parties hosted by mutual friends, sporting events, bowling teams, any activity or social event where your ex will be, you get the idea. Make it casual, even if you don’t drive for hours out of your way and feel out of your place of work, that would be bad. Just be subtle, discreet, and casual about “meeting” your ex.

Remember when you met and how things progressed in your relationship, see if you can recreate similar conditions. Be positive and happy when you see your ex and don’t show any signs of desperation or neediness. You have to be aloof, casual, and uninterested in your ex, except in the lightest, most casual way. They will eventually want to meet with you just to “talk.” It may take time and it will be painful and at some point you may decide that they are not worth it, in which case you have reached the point where you are ready to move on.

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