How to decorate with antiques, part 2: know what type of collector you are

Lifestyle Fashion

A clear understanding of how you envision antiques in your home is a solid starting point for understanding how to decorate with these solid design tools. It’s no exaggeration to say that successful antique use relies on knowing what you want to achieve in your home. The strategy required to fill an entire home with perfect period pieces will vary greatly from the homeowner looking for a sculptural piece to offset a collection of modern art and furniture.

But equal to this understanding is the need to clearly see yourself in one of the following 5 pickup categories. While not a ridged system, these groupings are, in my experience, slots that most antique collectors fit into. See which one resonates with you:

The Flea Market Hobbyist. He loves old things, but he’s not willing to part with more than a few dollars to purchase a piece. This creature is often found at flea markets, tag sales, and real estate looking for fun stuff at discount prices. This generally excludes fine vintage antiques (with rare and enthusiastic exceptions) which focus on vintage or collectible items that will make stylish additions to your home. Provenance and authentication questions are non-existent for this buyer for whom the only real questions are “do you love it?” and “Is the price right?”

The weekend warrior. Whether at home or on vacation, this ancient creature is forced to wander the quaint streets (often after a lovely brunch at a local restaurant) in search of cute shops to wander through. Lacking a plan to buy or collect, this individual is best known for impulse buying from him. Therefore, pieces appear at home randomly and are treated as unexpected guests rather than early arrivals.

The occasional collector. I describe this individual as a timid collector; someone who is limited, either by knowledge, confidence (usually a lack thereof), or capital investment. They aren’t afraid to ring the bell at the best antique dealers in their towns or show up at an auction house preview, but they rarely buy, usually for the reasons mentioned above. Undeterred, they are content to wander the islands, coyly ask a few questions, and return home to dream of acquiring any number of interesting pieces.

The serious collector. Whether with the support of an architect or interior designer or on their own, these buyers have taken the time to educate themselves about antiques in general and, when appropriate, specific areas of interest to them. This buyer has the means to buy good game and enjoys hunting, especially when he is surrounded by his own hunting party. Active attendees at regional and national auction house sales, as well as regular guests at the showrooms of your hometown’s finest dealers. Never up against a good deal, they wield their knowledge appropriately to ensure the best value for your investment dollars, and usually have a clear idea of ​​where and how the piece will be used and appreciated in your home.

The Knower. As focused as a collector may be, this buyer of fine antiques is at the top of the shopping food chain. Always on purpose, this shopper not only knows what he’s doing, but is also aware of current and anticipated trends in the industry (and considers them carefully). They are interested in creating collections and are guided in their purchase decisions by this general goal.

Regardless of which category(ies) you’re comfortable with, you’ll find a lot of joy and satisfaction in including antiques in your home interior design program. In our next and final article in this series, we’ll look at a number of successful methods for integrating the pieces you collect into a modern home.

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