How to create an Easter memory with an Easter basket


Spring is in the air and Easter is just around the corner. Children are starting to see Easter baskets full of candy in stores. Milk chocolate Easter bunnies are everywhere. It’s time to start thinking about Easter Baskets.

Since economic times are tough this year for most of us, putting together an Easter basket is one way to bring the family together. Remembering the meaning of vacation is the place to start. Easter marks new beginnings for all of us. What a wonderful time to create a family project!

Creative parents can build baskets for their children that will create lasting memories. The chocolate treats will be gone in a few days. The paper straw lining the basket will be thrown in the trash. The basket itself will be placed in the corner of the child’s room, a collector of junk. Holiday memories will fade…unless the “Easter Bunny” creates a special basket containing a precious keepsake.

Consider putting a small book in the Easter basket in the middle of the candy and trinkets. There are good books available for children of all ages that tell the story of Easter or depict the Easter bunny delivering treats at night. As you tuck your child into bed after a day of hunting for brightly colored hard-boiled eggs, read the children’s book. Spend a few quiet minutes with your child, reading to him.

The memories of the egg hunt and the stomach ache that will come from eating the whole chocolate bunny will fade over time and mingle with memories of other Easter Sundays. The few minutes of shared love that result from reading the book to her son will last forever. The cost of the Easter basket and the book is minimal, the memories are priceless.

For older children, the special gift can be a charm for a bracelet or a miniature car. Let the child know that the Easter bunny put a lot of thought into this basket. Make the occasion a memory for a lifetime. In years to come, the book, charm, or model may be lost or misplaced, but the memories will last forever.

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