Home remedy for yeast infection

Lifestyle Fashion

Looking for a home remedy for yeast infection?

Yeast infections can be very uncomfortable. Sometimes the itching and discomfort can get so bad that it’s difficult to stick with your daily routine. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an easy remedy instead of having to make an appointment at the medical clinic and go through all that hassle?

In fact, you may have an infection remedy in your kitchen right now. You may not even need to go to the store to get relief.

Before we start talking about the remedies, it will help to know a little about how these infections work. These infections are caused by bacteria that we harbor in our bodies all the time … Candida albicans. Candida generally behaves on its own and helps us fight off the other nasty bugs out there.

When there is an imbalance in the body, Candida can grow out of control and cause an infection. Imbalances can be caused by illness, stress, anxiety, diabetes, or eating too many foods that break down into sugars in the body.

The foods that do this are anything sugary and carbohydrates. If you balance these foods with protein and vegetables, your chances of developing a food-related yeast infection will decrease.

Now is the time to search your kitchen for that home remedy for yeast infection. The most widely used home remedy is natural yogurt. You may already have it in your refrigerator if you use it for cooking or if you like your plain yogurt.

If you find some plain yogurt with active cultures hidden inside your refrigerator, freeze a small scoop to insert into the yeast affected area. The Lactobacillus acidophilus within the yogurt is the active ingredient here. It can restore your balance of bacteria and cure your infection. Be careful … this remedy is tricky, but effective.

If you don’t have yogurt, how about a clove of garlic? Garlic powder is not enough here … you need a clove. If you’ve minced garlic in a jar in the refrigerator, you can use it if you can safely wrap it in enough cheesecloth to keep any of the small pieces from escaping.

The point is, you want to be able to get it all back after a few hours. Garlic is fast and effective. It only needs to be in place for a short time. If you need to apply it again the next day, go ahead, but again leave it alone for a few hours.

If you don’t have garlic cloves, look for tea tree essential oil in your medicine cabinet. A few drops of this powerful oil will usually give you great relief. Tea tree oil is very strong, so you may want to mix those few drops with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

The home remedy for yeast infection you need may already be on hand. If you are prone to infection, it may be wise to have some of these items on hand so that you can treat them at the first sign of trouble.

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