home remedies for yeast infection

Lifestyle Fashion

Medical statistics have shown that approximately 80% of the population suffers from Candida. Both women and men suffer from yeast infections. In this article we will discuss home remedies for yeast infections in women as well as some of the causes of yeast infections.

A yeast infection, also known as yeast infection (pronounced: can-dih-die-uh-sis), is the name for a common infection caused by a type of yeast-like fungus called Candida.

Fungal infections usually occur in warm, moist parts of the body, such as the mouth and moist areas of the skin. When they cause an infection in the vagina, it is known as vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Here’s a quick list of some of the reasons Candida can overgrow and turn into a yeast infection.


the pregnancy

disease disease




poor diet

All of the above can cause a growth spurt in the yeast, due to the imbalances it causes in the body.

Here are a couple of home remedies for yeast infections. These remedies can be used on a basis to prevent further infections.

Stop eating sugar!! That includes maple syrup, molasses, raw sugars, corn syrup. Even fruit juices and simple carbohydrates like white bread should be avoided. These will stimulate the growth of Candida more than anything.

Yogurt and Probiotics

This is an effective treatment for both men and women. If your groin region burns or itches, apply yogurt directly to the swollen area. Use only “live culture” yogurt without sugar. Kefir or Bio-K brand yogurts work well enough. Both contain very large amounts of beneficial bacteria. You can also add powdered acidophilus to yogurt to increase its effectiveness. In general, eating yogurt and applying it directly to the yeast infection will do wonders for you!

Take an apple cider vinegar bath. Apply 1-2 cups of ACV in your bath and soak in the bathtub for about 20 minutes. It’s easier because it targets the whole body. All areas that are prone to fungal infections can be covered in this way.


eating blueberries o Drinking 100% non-concentrated cranberry juice can help you when you experience yeast infection symptoms. Blueberries lower your PH and create a more acidic environment in your body. As a result, the environment in your vagina also becomes more acidic and will kill the yeast in the area.

I hope you find these home remedies for yeast infections helpful. Try these first before committing to any type of medication. Enjoy!!

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