Harvard debater Bill O’Reilly defeated in logic by a young clinical psychologist?

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On O’Reilly Factor during the opening segment, Bill recently had two guests on his show. One was a clinical psychologist and the other a psychiatrist. Bill was reporting on a great story about a man with an untreatable case of tuberculosis that had crept back into the United States. Bill believes that the man was a liar and very selfish in putting so many people at risk during his trip back to the United States. State. Then Bill asked the guests if their evaluation was correct after hearing all the details. The young psychologist explained that almost everything that people do are selfish. Bill protested, “You mean that when Mother Teresa was feeding the poor in the suburbs of Calcutta she was being selfish?” The psychologist replied “absolutely”, Bill was not buying what she said. Well that’s a shame, in such a short time the young psychologist was unable to fully explain herself.

The spiritual explanation of selfishness given by a teacher is as follows. Of course, you must be spiritually inclined to understand this. There are two types of selfishness. When you want to make someone happy, that is good selfishness, but when you want what you can only get for yourself, that is petty selfishness. You can go from selfishness to self-realization. There are many definitions of selfishness and altruism. Most people think that being selfish is wrong, yet there is no action we take that is not selfish. When we do good it is because we want to feel the joy and happiness of acting correctly. On the other hand, when we do something wrong, we mistakenly think that it will bring us satisfaction. Unfortunately, the term or word “selfishness” was poisoned by associating it with our own facts or objective actions. When the effect of our actions catches up with us, that is selfishness as long as we are in the ego consciousness of individuality, because there is nothing we can do without a reference to self. Nothing we do is without the knowledge of the effect of that action, that is why there is no disinterested act.

We could, should, and should avoid petty selfishness. Take for example a homeless woman who was in need. He had ten dollars in his pocket, so I gave it to him. Can you classify that as disinterested? No. Because I felt that woman’s pain, I gave her the money to ease my pain and got satisfaction from giving.

When no one is hurt, selfishness is okay and that is why you must discriminate between petty selfishness and right selfishness. If you tell someone that they have to take away their house to build a road to improve their property, that is not correct; However, if it is for the benefit of many and not for your own personal gain or self-interest, that is good selfishness and through good judgment you can recognize the true way of using wisdom. Being drunk on errors in spiritual understanding shows little substance similar to beautiful colored balloons that attracts a lot of attention, but is filled with hot air. Bill reacted seriously excited in his answer, but that’s the “No-spin zone”. Bill’s antics on the show are to please his audience.

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