Handwriting Graphological Analysis: Why Do I Attract Losers?


Handwriting graphological analysis describes a specific type of writing. In a class by themselves are the capital letters, the initials and the last letters of the words. Man has a habit of portraying himself in his writings. This portrait of a man is most impressive in capital letters and in the first letter of a word. There the writer exhibits himself with pleasure and, at least unconsciously, with the idea and hope of impressing us. Let’s delve into the meaning of the first and last letters of written words. The first letter shows us the “facade” of the writer, the way he looks at us and wants to be looked at, his intentions and also his pretensions. The last letter reveals the decision reached by the writer, his final point of view, the result of his “work.”

Therefore, if we wish to determine the writer’s bearing, initiative, and intelligence, we must examine his initials; but whether or not he fulfills his intentions, whether he is trustworthy and cooperative or arrogant, this is expressed in the size, legibility and shape of the last letter.

The letters between the first and the last letter, the body of the word, so to speak, portray the thought process that takes the writer from an intention to an achievement, a decision, an act. A clear and well proportioned last letter indicates a clear and reliable decision; an illegible, sloppy, or omitted last letter is a warning.

A disproportionately high last is characteristic of the person who not only has an opinion, but also insists on it, because he has character, or because he is arrogant, stubborn.

Tangled lines

When lines are written so close that loops and parts of the letters hang and collide with the writing on the next line (or multiple lines), the writer suffers a loss of perspective.
The writer is too busy acting on instinct and emotion to take the time to keep things in their proper place. Thoughts, ideas, feelings, and actions get mixed up.

There is always a lot to do, and she doesn’t plan far in advance, so the tangled writer’s activities overwhelm each other. He’s at the salon when he should be in a meeting. Without a strict schedule (which she hates), the tangled writer turns her wheels, doing what feels right at the moment. Vital yet mundane routines that make life run smoothly, like paying bills or doing laundry, get delayed or completely ignored.

Life with these types of people can get chaotic. Continually engaging in situations that have nothing to do with her can allow her biases to override her common sense. He may have good intentions, but you can’t always count on him to be where he said he would be or when he was supposed to be there.

The lines of this writing are tangled.

In addition, the writing has three other variations:
• Writing too round: a soft and generous personality; need for approval
• Light pressure: a passive and non-aggressive nature
• Disproportionately small selves: a diminished self-image

Together these factors reflect the ‘victim syndrome’. It reflects an extremely generous nature. It’s one thing to worry about someone else’s needs. This goes much further. This is often due to low self-esteem.

A good idea is to write the largest capital I’s. This in itself does not increase self-esteem. This exercise will instill a positive reminder towards a healthy elf image.

Joel Engel is the author of ‘Graphology at Home’ and ‘Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught’ published by Penguin Books. http://www.Learngraphology.com

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