Grounding and uprooting effects of the arts on people with learning difficulties

Tours Travel

People with learning difficulties are highly visual, creative, and often highly artistic. Likewise, many artists find learning difficult. Therefore, the increase in artistic skills and creativity can be a great advantage when we want to eradicate learning difficulties. But sometimes the same skills can also be inconvenient. Because highly creative people and artists are often grounded, a lack of grounding contributes to learning difficulties. So here are some grounding and unconnecting effects of the arts on people with learning difficulties:

Artistic and recreational activities with stabilizing effects in people with learning difficulties:





see paintings, pictures, photographs

music genres: dance, disco, trance, hip hop, rap, RnB

some classical music compositions of the 20th century

extreme/adventure sports



acting acting

Artistic and recreational activities with stabilizing effects in people with learning difficulties:



weave, embroider, sew

playing a musical instrument


music genres: classical, country, house

periods of classical music: baroque and classicism

Martial Arts


Tai Chi


The good thing is that if you are often ungrounded and want to practice grounding until it becomes part of your bloodstream, you can choose an art activity with a grounding effect. Participating regularly will kill two birds with one stone: you will enjoy the artistic activity and you will certainly become much more grounded over time.

And finally…

Here is more information on grounding and learning difficulties. All people with and without learning difficulties can greatly benefit from grounding. Performers can use grounding to tame stage fright before and during the performance. I was a concert pianist before becoming an NLP trainer. If I had known about grounding at the time, I would have so much more fun on stage!

How you can ground yourself and also grounding exercises not only for people who find it difficult to learn is on my official site. People who practice dance, sports, yoga, martial arts, etc. you will find them more familiar, therefore easier to learn. Of course, I am always here to help you. After all, helping you find the best forms for you is exactly what a trainer does. If you are an artist or any other professional, and whether or not you find it difficult to learn, you can definitely benefit from coaching on health, career, money, relationships, and success. These 5 aspects of life are much more closely connected than it usually seems, and when we have a problem in one aspect, we will feel the problem in the other 4 aspects. Everything in life is connected. NLP coaching reveals the connections.

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