Good health dog and happiness to Charlie


The health of our Charlie’s dog was a very important issue for us in our family. It all started when he was a puppy, of course. Aside from the fun and laughter he brought into our lives, he brought us new responsibilities that we hadn’t cared about before Christ. With some common sense and care, dog health should not be a major family issue. That’s how we deal with Charlie.

Some dog health problems:


This is usually the easy and fun part. However, be careful because there is a lot of fuss about what great things various products can do. The major brands are tried and true with a normally safe port. Avoid switching to generic diets. Competing with the major brands in research and quality control is difficult enough. It is better to take the right path for the good of your puppy. Vitamin and mineral supplements would be a great addition to the diet to help keep the immune system strong. Remember, dry food also helps keep your teeth nice and strong.


The main concern here is using a pet product. It is not a shampoo made for us people. We want to use a very mild shampoo. Our doggies’ pH balance is quite different and if we’re not careful, we’ll dry out their skin so much that they’ll scratch, itch, and all sorts of other fireworks. Bathroom less not more. Chances are a good washing job every 30 days will be fine. Don’t forget to put a couple of plugs (cotton balls) in the ears before you start, along with a good brushing of the coat before and after. Keep shampoo away from those heart-breaking beautiful eyes, if you do slip, just wash with lukewarm water or even saline solution. Hey, a cute designer outfit afterwards really makes your big fella look dapper.

Those nasty flea and tick problems…

Give me a break, would you like to run around itching and biting, scratching and jumping all day? That would be enough to drive anyone crazy. A topical oil usually placed between the shoulder blades will do the trick. The natural oils of your best friends will distribute it evenly over your pet. Be careful to expose the oil to children and store it in a safe place. Try to get your pet really dry for a few days before and after application. This process will rid your puppy of fleas and ticks. Have a safe trip. A super hit for those nasty critters that ensure good dog health.

puppy training –

Favorite theme of all time. Potty training! It’s not unlike when we potty train our kids, the process is somewhat similar. Patience, perseverance and confinement do the trick. Do yourself a favor, get your pup a crate big enough for him to stretch out in and also take a nap so he can curl up in a little nook.

Your best pet friend needs to be there when you’re asleep, when you’re away, or when you leave him unattended (you’re busy cooking dinner and doggie treatsīŠ). Doing so will teach him to hold on for a while. Put him in a crate for 6 to 8 hours during the training period is also fine.

While you’re home, have your little sweetie go outside with a timer that goes off every 60 minutes or so. You and the puppy jump on the grass outside for 10 minutes or so, giving them a chance to go potty. When they do, reward them with positive feedback, petting, petting, a little real love, if you will, which is positive reinforcement (something we all wish we had, right?). It is very likely that your puppy will find out very soon. He be patient, take his time and don’t get frustrated by accidents. Your new best friend needs a little time to learn, adjust, and assimilate your desires. Keep in mind that your puppy loves you. Cleanliness contributes greatly to the good health of the dog.

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