gardening without a plan

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I’m not sure if you realize it, but even “gardening without a plan” needs a plan. Whoops! This type of gardening doesn’t require a ship-sized plan, but instead requires just a bit of forethought or pre-planning.

What are the most important things to consider?

  • Where do you live
  • What is your neighborhood statement (living in a condo?)
  • What is your budget?
  • What are your goals?

Now what’s your plan?

apartment gardening

If you live in a condo or apartment, then your gardening might be limited to container gardening, window sill gardening, or patio gardening. Whatever the case, you can still garden! There are ways to do this, even in apartments and even in the strictest of condos. Open ears now?

Private home gardening

If you live in a house, your own house, you may have fewer rules than a condo, however, even in most neighborhoods, you have that “unspoken” rule, the “green grass rules”! Don’t worry, you can garden too. You can still have your own personal space, your own style and stay where you are.

mansion gardening

If you live in a mansion, yes, a mansion, you can still be a personal gardener for your own space. The key to happiness is knowing or realizing that yes, “YOU CAN DO IT”!

What is your message?

So what is your neighborhood’s “statement” or unwritten rule? Look around you to find out what that is. Are all the gardens bright green, there are no gaps in the grass, just perfect rectangular pieces of real or artificial grass? Are all houses, elegant, slim, unfettered and just the same? Looking down the block, is it hard to tell one house from another? Looks like the Stepford wives live there? Really? What is the unwritten, unspoken rule of your block, of your neighborhood? Is there hope for your creative or different mind, right where you are? Yes actually! There’s always hope. If you keep an open mind and are willing to listen, I’ll share my thoughts on solo gardening or “gardening without a plan.”

What is your plan?

Do you want your garden to look like a professional? Do you want your space to say, “Hello, landscaper here”? Or do you want your green space to say, “Wow, that’s a lot of work”! Or do you want your garden space to say: “Welcome to my wonderful natural garden”! Or is your message, “No dog poop”!

Are you gardening to draw attention to your cause or your charity or your line of work? Would Bonsai fit into the plan? His plan of his is to make people stop, pause and slow down in this busy city? Do you make a garden to promote peace? Or is your garden saying, “I believe in God”! Do you want neighbors or passers-by to keep walking or stop and enjoy the green space? Ask yourself these questions and a few others and you may have a plan for your unplanned garden.


Can you afford the best for your garden? Or do you have a very limited budget? Is gardening part of your budget in another way? Are you going to grow certain plants just to avoid buying things at a grocery store? Are you ready to plant rosemary, thyme, sage and other herbs because you want to be able to choose your cooking ingredients every day, instead of buying these things?

Budget or no budget?

Or is your budget unlimited? Can you afford the best in gardening supplies and accessories? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is and start creating a magnificent garden, perhaps the most magnificent garden in your entire area? Ready for it?

gardening goals

Now, what is your real goal? What is your true message? What is the “why” of your gardening?

Does your garden say “Freedom”? Or does your garden say, “Hey, I fit in right here”! Does your garden remain calm, serene, free from anything others have to say or do about your gardening? Are you looking to create and organize a mini-farm? Do you want a country setting, a natural setting, or are you willing to ditch all that grass and trade it in for some common sense groundcover? Do you want to mow the lawn? Or do you want a goat to eat all the grass? The options are all yours!

Or do you want your garden to remain “no work, no stress”?

Whatever your goal or statement, this is the place for you because all garden topics will be covered and then some more. Over the next few weeks or months, I’ll be covering just about every type of gardening out there. I hope you enjoy the ride!

Over time, we will talk about almost all aspects of gardening and other hobbies and other nature topics.

What are your goals?

You will need to think about your gardening goals, financial goals, environmental goals, and your spiritual goals.

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