Fashion hats grow in popularity

Arts Entertainments

In today’s fashion-conscious world, your clothes say as much about you as the actual words you use. That is why the accessories you choose to complement any outfit are absolutely essential to truly reflect your personality.

This fashion awareness extends to men, women and children and today a fashionable hat has become an integral part of any outfit. Designer hats, particularly from brands like Bugatti, Bruno Banani, and Wegener, have become highly desirable.

The trapper hat, once limited to lumberjacks, Russian soldiers, and Eskimos, has become a fashion icon of our time. With a wide variety of hats ranging from the traditional fur lined to the brightly colored version with pompoms and tassels, the trapper hat will never be seen the same way again.

Hats, once limited to ski slopes and football supports, are now ‘de rigueur’ for any fashion-conscious youngster. Bugatti and Bruno Banani are German brands, but this phenomenon is not limited to the western world, as teenagers around the world positively embrace this new trend in the world of fashion.

High-profile superstars and A stars help, of course, and when such luminaries as David Beckham, Jennifer Lopez (J-Lo), and Madonna, to name just a few, are seen wearing these new fashion accessories, their fans eventually they will follow suit.

It’s not just golfers wearing baseball caps today, either. Rappers like Eminem, Kanye West, and Snoop Dogg have made the peaked cap the must-have accessory for today’s youth. This is a trend that dates back to the 70s and the rise of the Sugarhill Gang and their classic Rapper’s Delight.

However, the growth of fashion hats is not just about the teen market. The Fedora and Trilby Hat are also enjoying a renaissance. The Fedora has been around for over a hundred years, and although baseball caps, trapper hats, and beanie hats have evolved to reflect current fashion, the Fedora still retains the exact same classic style and shape as ever.

The Trilby Hat is also going from strength to strength, but again it looks the same as ever. Singers like Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra brought the hat to the public psyche and Sean Conner, like James Bond, continued to raise his profile. Today, many pop stars, men and women, can often be found wearing this classic fashion item.

There is even a ‘Trilby Hat Tour’ that golfers around the world can join as long as, of course, they adopt this very stylish accessory.

As fashion hats continue to gain prominence, maybe it’s time you took your hat off to this very modern trend too.

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