Exit Signs at Bus Terminals


As in any public place where a large number of people gather, bus terminals also need to be properly prepared in case of any emergency. Entrances and exits must be clearly marked and access to them must be easy and clear. One of the most common emergencies that can occur is a fire, so displaying fire exit signs is very important.

If a fire alarm sounds, there is immediate panic, and this happening in a crowded area like a bus terminal can lead to confusion and fear of escape. However, most of the time at first no one knows exactly where the fire is. All people will know is that a fire has started somewhere and maybe smoke is starting to fill the air. However, the fear factor kicks in. No one wants to be caught in the fire and the great multitude of people will look for ways and means to escape.

This is where proper planning and good organization can prove valuable. All public places should have adequate fire and emergency exits, which are easily accessible. Such exits must display bold and clear FIRE EXIT signs so the public knows which way to move. There also needs to be more than one of those outlets for the crowd pressure to spread out. Due to limited escape routes in an emergency, some people have been known to get trampled in the panic that ensues and lose their lives.

All builders must adhere to the above regulations when constructing large buildings. It is also important that such fire exit doors open outwards so that people can easily run out. Such exits, if otherwise kept locked, should be checked regularly to ensure that the locks can be easily opened in the event of any emergency. Above each emergency exit, large, clear fire exit signs should be posted so people know which way to move.

Some bus terminals may have more than one floor level. In such cases, a fire escape ladder is required in addition to any available elevator services. While some structures may have an emergency fire exit mounted on the outside of the building, it is also important to have an easily accessible interior stairway. The entrance to such stairs must also be clearly marked with fire exit signs.. In several fire emergencies that have occurred, emergency exits were found to be blocked and windows closed, resulting in the loss of many lives.

In some public buildings, many exits are blocked with makeshift garbage, either inside or outside the door. If such exits are not intended for emergency use, appropriate exit signs such as ‘This is not an exit’ or ‘Do not use this exit’ must also be displayed. Some emergency exits in buildings can only be operated by a button or lever that only opens when the user presses it. In such cases, it is important that these mechanical processes are regularly tested to ensure that they work in the correct order. Fire exit signs covering such exits must also specify how to open them.

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