Do you want to nail basketball like Kobe Bryant? – How to improve your vertical jump!


Your legs are the first thing to focus on when trying to increase your vertical jump. There are many different aspects of jumping, but the main focus has to be on the legs. The act of jumping is very simple, you are applying force to your feet to propel your body into the air. With little force, you will not reach high.

With extreme force, you will reach extremely high. The strength I am describing is made up of 2 things: strength and speed. With a lot of force and no speed, you will be too slow to jump high. If you are very fast but have no strength, you cannot push your body weight fast enough to jump high. The perfect balance of strength and speed can be developed with just a few simple workouts.

1. Lunges! Lunges are an exercise that works on both aspects of the jump. Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with a dumbbell in each hand. Step forward and touch the ground with your back knee in a split squat position. rise back up to a standing position and repeat with the opposite leg. Do 3 sets of this workout with 20 reps, each leg, per set.

2. Sprint! You should NOT go out and run a mile every day. That’s conditioning your muscles the wrong way. Instead, run 5 sprints of 100 yards each, every day. This will increase your stamina and give you the quick, explosive power you need to jump high.

3. Jump rope! Your calves are important for jumping. Using a jump rope for 10 minutes a day will get your calves in the shape they need to increase your vertical jump.

If you follow these tips and do your part to do more research, you’ll be dunking like Kobe Bryant in no time!

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