Create instant attraction with a handshake


In my article: Does Your Handshake Make or Kill Instant Attraction (see the articles section of my website), I listed 6 ways that a seemingly simple and direct handshake can make or kill attraction.

A well-executed handshake is one of the best skills you can cultivate to ensure that each new encounter is carried out with rapport and positive chemistry. The handshake suggestions listed here will give you plenty of practice for the next time you see that person who flutters your heart. Better yet, they will create interactions that highlight your “human warmth” making you instantly attractive to the person you shake hands with.

1. As you approach the person mentally warm your hand

Imagine an electrical current pulsing through your hand and allow the heat to spread slowly. If creating a mental image is difficult, just hold your palm close to your cheek, that should warm it up.

2. Make sure your hand is not sweaty

If you know that your palms get sweaty, be sure to bring some Kleenex that you switch to your other hand or put in your pocket or purse just before you shake hands or use an underarm spray deodorant on your palm of the hands.

3. Offer hand with palm upright

This handshake subconsciously conveys cooperation and sends the message “let’s be friends.” Gently push your hand forward halfway between you and the person you’re with and once your hands meet, wrap your fingers around the other person’s with your thumbs gently interlocking. Squeeze your hand firmly. The alternative to this is to offer a palm down which is associated with an aggressive, dominant, controlling and demanding personality or the palm up which is associated with a submissive, accommodating and approval seeking (needy) personality.

3. Make eye contact and smile

Good eye contact increases feelings of trust. However, don’t stare and don’t make the common mistake of using eye contact in a premature attempt to increase physical attraction and intimacy. Prolonged eye contact made prematurely is sometimes like talking too much too soon or communicating too much with a stranger. And instead of creating attraction, you end up increasing stress or even pissing off the person. Maintain eye contact for two to three seconds at a time. Increase the amount of rapport eye contact (see my article: Improve Your Sexual Eye Contact With This Fearless Sexuality Exercise)

5. Be aware of the power play handshake

If the other person offers a palm down (indicating their intent to exert dominance, authority, and control), neutralize them immediately by taking their hand and turning it slightly into an upright, cooperative, or “let’s be friends” position. . Use the same advice for an upturned palm that is mainly offered by people who feel powerless or who unconsciously use the “victim mentality” to their advantage. Keep in mind that the handshake power play plays out differently in business or non-romantic encounters where some professions require a display of dominance, authority and control and others submission and compliance. In a romantic encounter, cooperation between equals takes you much further.

6. Respond with pressure that meets the pressure you receive

Most people associate too much hand pressure with someone trying to make up for some other shortcoming they must have, so match the pressure of your handshake to the one you are offered. If the other person offers a weak and lifeless handshake, apply a little more pressure on her own, but don’t try to dominate the other person.

7. Pump your hand up and down and hold briefly

Research shows that the average number of jerks up and down in all cultures is four jerks. If there are more likes there, the number of bombs increases and so does the duration of the hand. So it’s not a bad idea to mentally count the bombs you get. More than four will indicate that he likes you. However, informal research shows that drinking alcohol increases pumps, about two per drink. Try it yourself. The next time you go to a party, count the number of pumps you get when you just arrived, and count the pumps again when you leave. the variations can be fascinating.

8. If a prolonged handshake is allowed, anchor the positive gesture

The Anchor Touch is a simple yet powerful attraction trigger. While holding the other person’s hand in a handshake, use your free hand to touch them on the wrist or upper arm. By doing this, you create a link between the good feeling of the handshake and your presence. To intensify the impression of warmth (and intimacy), move your hand higher to touch the shoulder. Later, touching the person on the upper arm or shoulder reactivates the good feeling.

9. Finish with a little extra squeeze.

This should not be tight, just a surge of energy. So let it go. Doing this indicates that you are warm, confident, healthy, strong, and genuinely interested in getting to know the other person, and that there is a definite attraction.

Take advantage of those precious five or more seconds and get a head start. When else, unless you reach the hand-holding stage, will you ever hold that person’s hand again? So, without getting obsessive about it, make his first handshake count.

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