Counteract hunger attacks

Health Fitness

Have you ever wondered “why is it so easy to gain weight and oh so hard to get rid of it?” Every delicious thing in this world seems to be loaded with calories and you feel like you could waste a lifetime dieting and yearning for that beautiful chocolate cake! We all have different philosophies in life, like “You eat to live, you don’t live to eat!” It was the other way around for me! So what do you have to do not to give in to your indulgences every time you see your favorite snack in sight?

Yes, it is a short life and you have to live it to the fullest. Making food a priority in your life doesn’t get you very far, except giving yourself a momentary satisfaction and a few extra pounds around your round tummy. After that brief encounter with pure bliss, it will only be followed by nerve-racking guilt. There’s nothing wrong with having something good every now and then, so when you’re on a diet, the best way to satisfy your craving for the forbidden is to take a bite and quell the urge for more by satisfying your taste buds with a bite or two. .

Dieting is not a quarterly affair where you just decide to drop a couple of pounds and basically try to survive on fresh air and water. It is a complete lifestyle change. When you try to lose weight gradually by matching your diet with your current eating habits and lifestyle, you will follow it for life. It will not seem like a diet to you, therefore, psychologically you will not have this mentality of being starved or hungry all the time. The foundation of a diet should be to keep yourself well nourished and your stomach full to control cravings for snacks and high-calorie foods.

Existing dietary fads lead you to eliminate many food groups from your diet and tell you to stick to a particular food group. That can get boring after a while and you will soon lose yourself and find yourself wanting to eat more and more. Human beings are hardwired to desire things that we cannot have. The same thing happens when you walk away from the food you like.

Even burgers can be a part of your diet if that’s what really gives you a kick. Who says you can’t make them nutritious and low-calorie? When dieting, look for recipes for your favorite foods that are prepared using the healthy process or go to the grocery store and look for healthy, low-calorie ingredients. I still eat my favorite burger from time to time from a burger chain, but it’s grilled and I ask you not to put it with mayonnaise and cheese. Trust me, it’s so much better to have that kind of burger rather than not having any at all!

While dieting, a couple of things can help you beat hunger pangs. First and foremost is the tried and tested formula of having breakfast like royalty. Your body has been without food for seven to eight hours while you slept and even in that state it would have been consuming energy in the form of calories. To jump start your metabolism, you need to eat a large and healthy breakfast every day. This will charge you up with energy to start your day off right and will also keep you from being overly hungry at lunch. When you’re really hungry, you start gorging yourself on so much food, so fast, without giving yourself time to understand that your stomach is full sooner than you think.

Drink lots of water, more in the summers, as people commonly misinterpret the feeling of dehydration as hunger. A glass of water before your meal will help you control your food portions, as you will be less hungry. About 10 glasses of water a day is ideal. Try to drink less tea, coffee, and caffeinated sodas, as they also tend to cause dehydration and increase your appetite. Do not consume fruit juices as they will only satisfy your thirst and add calories since most processed juices are higher in sugar. Whole fruit contains fiber that satisfies your appetite and keeps you full between meals.

Make sure your food is high in protein. Protein-rich foods take longer to digest, so they keep your stomach full longer. Fiber in food is also necessary, as they are not only good for digestion and help keep your stomach clean, but they are also heavier on the stomach, making you less hungry.

Have a bowl full of clear soup before dinner. A bowl of soup will keep you from gorging yourself on food and help you limit the portion of the dishes you eat. Your stomach will be full even before the entire meal is finished, so by the time dessert is served, you may want to take a mouthwatering bite, but you won’t have room in your stomach to eat more than that.

When dieting, it is important to keep busy with your daily routine or with additions to your daily rituals. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop and when you feel bored; food can be a comforting companion. That’s the time when you’re most likely to grab a tub of ice cream or a bag of nachos and live to regret it later! Time to eat a small meal every two to three hours, so that when you and your family sit down at the dining room table for dinner, you are not ready to pounce on the food.

When you follow some of the above tips, food will not occupy your mind for most of the day, it will just be another activity like brushing your teeth or taking a shower; simply a necessity to survive.

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