Clothing store Anti-theft devices


One of the worst scourges in the retail apparel industry is theft. It can be hard to stop, and left unchecked can eat into profit margins as thousands of dollars are literally running out the door. Shoplifting is estimated to account for $ 20 to $ 30 billion in lost merchandise each year. These anti-theft devices can help you fight off shop lifters and keep your shop up and running.

The most widely used loss prevention devices are called Electronic Item Surveillance (EAS) clips. These items have an electronic sensor or RFID chip designed to trigger an alarm if someone tries to pass them through a store checkpoint. When someone buys an item, the store employees have a special tool to remove or deactivate the device. It can then be reused on another item. The most popular version takes the form of an alligator clip with a pin through it. These clips are made of hard-to-break plastic and can be easily attached to any type of garment.

Many devices will release indelible ink if a thief tries to remove them in a dressing room or later at home, thus ruining the stolen item. This is called a denial of benefits and it prevents the thief from reselling the clothes. These devices are very difficult to defeat and even work against gravity.

For expensive items, you can take extra steps by running wire cables through sleeves and clothes hangers or store shelves. People will still be able to try on the items, but will have a hard time wearing them.

Security cameras or CCTV networks can also help monitor store activity. Cameras can help you cover blind spots. Place a camera on the cash registers as well. This way, if there is any suspicious activity on the part of employees, you will have strong evidence before wrongfully accusing someone, which could trigger a nasty legal action dispute between other workers. These systems have become much less expensive in recent years, and digital recording devices have eliminated the need to store dozens of VCR tapes.

Without loss prevention devices, there is nothing to stop thieves from simply pulling things off the hangers and out of the store. It requires a small investment, but it is worth it. The labels cost anywhere from 50 cents to a few dollars depending on their style, but are reusable. Control towers start at around $ 1000. Once the system is up and running, it will pay dividends year after year.

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