What Regions Does DateYou Operate In?

Regions DateYou Operate What regions does DateYou operate in? This article answers the question: What regions does DateYou operate in? In the United States, DateYou has a large user base. The demographics are diverse and include singles from all regions of the world. The majority of its members are straight. While some members identify as

Effective natural remedy for hair loss

Most scalp hair loss is normal. Adults have approximately 100,000 hairs on their heads. These hairs follow a predictable pattern of active growth, followed by a period of rest and shedding. The growth period can last from two to ten years, while the resting/molting stage can last only a few months. On average, you lose

2020 – The year of clarity – Good or bad?

For as long as I can remember we have never before had to deal with so much negative energy “as a society as a whole”…now of course I can’t say that the human race has never dealt with something like this BUT in my time, in our part of the world – not like this

The aftermath of a school tragedy: some coping strategies

I was the high school principal in Montourville, Pennsylvania, when TWA Flight 800 exploded off Long Island in July 1996. The recent tragedy in Connecticut, like the other school tragedies we have witnessed, always brings thoughts not only about the disaster itself, but about the tragedy that follows such a disaster. In 1996, our school

The importance of family dinner time

What is mealtime like at your house? Does everyone take their plate and go to their own room? Or does cooking dinner in the old microwave sound more familiar, sitting in front of the TV, computer, or video game, and no one gets a chance to talk to each other? Given the hectic schedules many

juice for your blood type

Have you ever wondered why a particular diet works great for some people but not for others? Well now we know! Finnish scientists recently discovered that the molecules that cover the surface of blood cells and determine each person’s blood type receive energy from different nutrients. In other words, certain foods are better suited to

The Marble Halls of the Oregon Metro

Serendipity is a wonderful thing: the discovery of something when one does not seek to discover it. Oregon Caves, in the southwestern part of the state, is a good example. Elijah Davidson went out one day in 1874 to hunt deer with his dog. After taking down a deer, his dog caught the scent of

3 Delicious Peanut Butter Snack Recipes Kids Will Love

Peanut butter is delicious, but did you know it’s also good for your health? It is packed with healthy fats that are good for your heart. It’s a nice gift that you can enjoy without having to feel guilty! If this delicious treat is something your kids love, make them a special snack instead of

How to instill the habit of reading naturally in children?

As I mentioned in my previous articles, I am an avid reader and I love to read. This article is not about giving anyone advice or recommending any expensive books or techniques that will transform your child into a Super Kid. This article tries to instill the habit of reading in a natural way in