This one is for you dad!

I recently reread Dad’s book… memoirs of his Navy career. After 17 years of sailing the world, it must have been difficult for him to finally settle down and become a family man. Dad had also been an accomplished athlete and no doubt hoped to have a son who shared his sports interests. Unfortunately, I

21st century dating rules for men – Everything old is new again

By taking the time to understand what women are looking for in a romantic partner, you can jump into the world of singles confident and ready! Otherwise, you’re likely to hear a lot of conversations that end with “You’re a nice guy, but” and “I think we should just be friends.” You have enough friends.

Five Business Gift Ideas Your Clients Haven’t Seen Before

As the holidays approach and the summer heat fades into cooler fall temperatures, you may feel that old familiar yet subtle sense of dread that always seems to creep up just before Christmas. What are you going to give everyone? Today, you not only have your spouse, loved ones, and family to think about, but

Preschool Activity Ideas

One of the best approaches, when trying to think of preschool activities or preschool lessons for you and your child to do for home school activities, is to not get bogged down in trying to be too structured. There are many fun, educational, and informal preschool activities that you and your child can participate in.

A classic Woodstock party with party plates from the 70’s menu

A Woodstock party is a great way to introduce your guests to the days of the hippies, the meaning of protest music, and of course, some tasty 1970s favorites. These were the days of saucepans and pop rocks. Your Woodstock guests had better come on an empty stomach. You could start your Woodstock buffet with

Is gifting jewelry too personal for a co-worker or friend?

Jewelry can seem like the perfect gift for a loved one on any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries; to Valentine’s Day. But how about as a gift for friends and co-workers? Is the gift of unusual handmade jewelry too personal? The real answer is that it depends on the situation. If a co-worker across the

Seven hot women’s costumes for Halloween 2009

This year, as you prepare for Halloween, do you know what costumes will be red hot for women? I’ve put together a list of what I think will be this year’s hottest and most popular costumes for women at Halloween 2009. 7. First Year Costumes – Why is it in? – Roman society and Jack

Moissanite for a wedding ring – no way – a major review of the gem

How to Avoid Heartbreak When Buying Moissanite Rings Most women love gems that sparkle and I am no exception. About 4 years ago, a new lab-created simulated diamond technology was becoming a sensation. The product was moissanite. The mineral moissanite was discovered by Henri Moissan in 1893 when crystal samples from a meteorite crater in

Does misdemeanor affect credit score?

A credit score provides an overview of a person’s credit history spanning the last 7 years. This information gives an idea of ​​the person’s debt and payment capacity. The information is compiled based on data received by credit bureaus from different lenders. A credit report does not highlight a person’s criminal record. Therefore, if a

Make love to a virgin girl

When you make love to a virgin girl, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to make it as pleasurable as possible for her. You will also need to take a lot of initiative here, as she will most likely be very passive during sex. Handling a virgin is not as