Juicing Basics: How To Get Started With Healthy Juicing

Sounds appealing, a healthy juice cocktail with all the essential nutrients your body needs. But you don’t even know the basics of juicing. What do you need? How long does it take? What vegetables can you use? Is it expensive and so on! Don’t get discouraged because it’s simple and you can learn the basics

5 great educational toys

Everyone knows that children learn by playing. So it stands to reason that we all want our kids to get the most out of their game. There are lots of great toys out there, so why not combine a cool toy that kids love with a learning tool? Here are five great educational toys for

Do’s and don’ts when shopping for baby clothes

Little babies are the most amazing and adorable creatures in this whole world. Babies have skin that is 5 times more sensitive than that of an adult, so they also need extra special care for each item of clothing, be it clothing or baby products that we are using for them. If you don’t know

chemistry bingo cards

Science has an image of being about theories, laws and mathematical formulas. As a result, we don’t always think about studying science subjects, we can easily forget that they also involve learning a lot of facts and details. In fact, chemistry is well known for the number of facts that students studying the subject must

The world doesn’t need another math textbook

I know this statement is shocking. Some of you may feel that I have heralded the end of civilization as we know it. How the hell are people going to learn math without the latest and greatest math textbook? The answer is simple. In the same way that people have always learned mathematics before the

Do you have acid reflux? Try This Natural GERD Treatment

GERD is something that no one wants to experience. However, acid reflux is very common. Stress, diet, and an unhealthy lifestyle are often the causes of GERD. If you suffer from acid, you may experience one or all of the following complications: inflammation, sore throat, breathing problems such as asthma, and fibrosis of the esophagus,

Why are play schools necessary for children?

Not all parents are happy with the idea of ​​sending their little ones to play school, but this can be a developmental step! It is extremely important to send your kids to play schools as there are various activities that they will do over time. Other than this, here are some reasons why we think

10 fun Christmas party games

Christmas party games can be great and when you have a Christmas party it is always a good idea to include some kind of game. Here are ten fun ones that you may want to consider playing at your next event. 1. bingos Why not put together some Christmas themed bingo cards and have fun

The place of blue smoke

The Cherokee called this mystical land, “The Place of Blue Smoke” or Shaconage, (shah-con-ah-jey) in their language. I decided to go for exactly that, and I took my family or 4 on vacation to The Smoky Mountains this year. Tennessee is a centrally located state. No wonder Great Smokey Mountain State Park is the busiest

Babies cry, but why?

Crying is a normal communication response used by babies, but unfortunately, it can be difficult for parents to hear. A crying baby tugs at a parent’s heartstrings, which can make an adult feel anxious, tense, and guilty about not knowing why their baby is crying. Should they respond to their baby’s cry right away? Or