Baby Whisperer – Tracy Hogg

The Baby Whisperer is a nickname given to Tracy Hogg, a British nurse. Tracy made a name for herself as a baby “expert” in the state of California, USA, where she gave advice to many Hollywood stars and cared for over 5,000 babies. Some of her famous clients were: Jamie Lee Curtis, Calista Flockhart and

7 Strategies to Prevent or Delay Alzheimer’s Symptoms

Alzheimer’s is the progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle age or old age, due to widespread degeneration of the brain. There is a lot of discussion in the elderly care community these days regarding Alzheimer’s disease. With advances in medical technology, people are living longer than in past generations. It seems that many

Teaching children to play the drums

It’s a noisy hobby, but one that can be very enjoyable and rewarding for a child. It’s a great way to encourage self-expression, creativity, and an appreciation of all music. It can be a big investment, or as simple as a set of drumsticks and a practice drum pad. If you’re thinking of giving kids

What are the factors that can rule out the presence of ADHD?

According to the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-IV, ADHD is a disorder that first presents in childhood and is usually seen before the age of seven in a child. It is characterized by inappropriate levels for the development of inattention, distractibility, impulsivity and/or hyperactivity. The impairment occurs in one or more major areas of life, typically

What are Squinkies?

As the holidays approach, you’ve probably asked your young children, nieces or nephews what they want to find wrapped in gifts under the tree or in their stockings. You might expect to hear familiar names like Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob, but don’t be surprised if you discover a new toy mentioned more than once.

The truth about fibromyalgia

Are you experiencing unexplained back pain, fatigue, and other symptoms? If so, has fibromyalgia been ruled out? Fibromyalgia (also called fibromyalgia syndrome) is a long-term condition that causes pain throughout the body, affecting up to 1 in 20 people. In addition to widespread pain, people with fibromyalgia may also experience: increased sensitivity to pain exhaustion

Australia’s day

Australia Day is fast and furiously approaching…and when I take a moment and think about what that day means to me and other fellow Aussies, the first thoughts that come to mind are: My mother once told me… if you had stopped being born until the next day, you would have been born on Australia

The magic of storytelling

We all tell stories all the time. It is an important part of how we get along with other people. We tell jokes, talk about what we’ve been up to, and make up stories to entertain others. ‘Personal narrative’, in which children tell stories about their own experiences, is an important part of personal identity.