Focus on physical cybercrime, not just cybercrime

It is not only the computers but the integral components that the crooks will target. Computer crime is one of the fastest growing crimes in the UK, according to the Association of British Insurers; in 1995, a third of all business claims were related to computer crime. It’s not just the loss of a computer

reconstruction costs

Have you done a major renovation in your house lately? If so, it likely affects the rebuilding costs associated with rebuilding your home and is a recommended time to have a discussion with your insurance professional. Remembering to regularly review your home’s coverage with an insurance professional is a good step toward maintaining an adequate

Do I have to pay capital gains tax on an inheritance sale?

Capital gains tax is a complicated area of ​​Tax Law that must be applied carefully to identify the correct result when determining whether capital gains tax applies to a particular transaction or not. Inheritance is one of the most complicated areas of capital gains tax. You must keep special records in connection with the acquisition

How to quickly establish new credit

When applying for a mortgage, lenders will review the borrower’s employment, income, down payment, and credit history. Even if the borrower’s credit scores are acceptable, many lenders will look at the length and amount of credit established. If the borrower does not have an established payment history, the loan may be denied due to lack

The Ghosts of San Telmo, Colorado

In 1881, Anton Stark, a rancher, became so infatuated with the town of St. Elmo that he and his family quickly settled in. Anton became section chief of one of the local mines and his wife, Anna, ran a general store and the Home Comfort Hotel, which later became home to the post and telegraph

What are Irrevocable Promissory Notes in a Life Insurance Trust?

If you are starting your estate planning process, an ILIT (irrevocable life insurance trust) will give you peace of mind. If you have young beneficiaries or a sizeable estate, the trust may provide control over a life insurance policy. The irrevocable aspect of the trust ensures that the creator or grantor will not be able

Renter’s rights and pets: the landlord against his cat

Too often I hear from people who are giving up their beloved family pet because the landlord enacted a new no pet policy, or because they are moving into a rental property that has a no pet policy. Less often, I also hear from owners who allow cats but require declawing. Before you agree to

Free Reverse Phone Listing

Everyone gets unwanted calls or prank calls from time to time, and everyone has missed a call before and wants to know who it is before returning it. The best way to do this is to use free online reverse phone lists. They allow you to search for a person by entering their phone number.

Basic fixes for a Polaris 280 pool cleaner that has stopped moving

The Polaris 280 pool cleaner is one of the best in-ground pool cleaners available on the market today. Although it is an older model, it consistently outperforms the newer models of Polaris pool cleaners. It also requires less maintenance and is easier to troubleshoot and repair when problems start to occur. Like all pool cleaners,

The Truth Behind Funding Healthcare Practices Physicians Should Know!

Medical practice financing for medical practice loans is the goal of most new and established medical practices seeking working capital. There are many aspects of medical practice financing that you need to be aware of before you hope to get financing for your medical practice! You want to make sure your healthcare medical practice gets