ABC’s of a successful weight loss process

A-Responsibility Be responsible and in control of your weight loss process. It may include keeping and updating a weight loss journal or having a responsible partner who is interested in the same progress as you are. B – Believe in yourself Tell yourself that you are capable of losing weight like everyone else. The fact

Why is renter’s insurance needed?

INTERVIEWER: Why do you need renters insurance? STEVE: Well, you need renters insurance any time you choose to rent a house or an apartment. The building itself is always insured by the person or company that owns that building. Everything inside that belongs to you, your contents and everything you own, is your responsibility. The

Is jealousy an incurable disease?

Everyone has experienced the feeling of jealousy and knows what it’s like, one way or another. It can be of different types, difficult to keep under control and become a part of your relationship. Some think it is another side of love, others consider it a lack of trust. You may be jealous because you

How to write a breakup letter in 7 steps

For most relationships, breaking up in person is the most appropriate and respectful way to end. If it has been a long relationship and you are able to express yourself freely with your partner, you should show them the courtesy and respect of breaking up face to face. However, sometimes circumstances dictate that the break

acupuncture for longevity

Linda Yamamoto is an 84-year-old Japanese-American woman who has received acupuncture from the Boston Acupuncture Clinic for the past 9 years. She stayed home until her youngest son went to high school. She then began working for the government as an accountant. She has been very sociable, active and happy. She donated money to a

How to Find a Good Moisturizer for Relaxed, Natural Black Hair

Hair hydration is just as important as deep conditioning for any black person who wants long hair. As washing and deep conditioning your hair every day is quite impractical, a moisturizing hair cream is required to prevent dryness until the next wash. Relaxed, natural black hair tends to be quite porous, so it loses moisture

Aromatherapy – Aromatic medicine from nature

We all know how fragrances make us feel. Some scents make us euphoric, others have a more calming effect, and certain familiar scents can take us back in time and trigger feelings of nostalgia. The psychological and emotional effects of fragrance and the extreme importance of our sense of smell are evident. But did you

Don’t get carried away with a urinary tract infection

For those who don’t know, yeast infections are actually caused by Candida albicans. An overgrowth of this fungus can actually cause a vaginal infection. Candida albicans is normally a part of the body, but as the fungus increases in numbers due to a person’s decreased resistance, it can actually cause a cheesy white discharge, some

Places to Look for a Favorite Restaurant in Chicago

nomads Les Nomades is known for its luxurious setting, partisan vibe, and extremely elegant flower arrangement that justifies the price you pay. It is the center of civility and the best place to dine for “adults”. Its menu includes French cuisine such as lamb loin, prawn ravioli, beef duo and the classic souffle for dessert.