Pilates develops controlology exercises during World War I

We know that Pilates traveled to England when he was 30, but there are at least two different equally plausible stories as to how and why he went. The first story tells us that he went there to box, having exhausted most of the boxing venues in his house. The second states that Joe had

Hangovers and how to treat them

How many of us have said “I will never drink again”. It’s something many of us have claimed the morning after a riotous night as we struggle to face the light of day with a throbbing headache, a parched tongue, and a distinctly queasy feeling in the pit of our stomach. For many, this promise

Interview Shoes: The Right Styles for Men and Women

The interviews draw tips that often focus on suit colors and cuts for men and whether to wear a skirt or pants for women and the color of both. Other interview items attracts are even more important. An example of this is shoes. For both men and women, wearing the right style and type of

5 supplements against oily skin

On our foreheads or t-zones, the shine is not very attractive. Carrying dabbers and facial sponges in our makeup bags to remove shine is a good starting point, but never forget that balance is key when it comes to well-groomed skin. Let’s explore some other tips to correct oily skin: 1) Zinc plays an important

Chakra Balancing Crystals

Just like you carry a few everyday items in your purse, pocket, or car, like cough drops to soothe your throat, lip gloss to protect and shine your lips, or sneakers for your lunchtime walk, having a set crystals can be very useful for clearing energy blockages and opening chakras. They don’t need to be

Dance Lesson: A Checklist for the New Student

So you’re excited for your first dance lesson? That’s great because studying dance can be a lot of fun. But slow down for a second. Are you ready for your first lesson? It is important to start off on the right foot. You will enjoy your class more if you prepare ahead of time. Here’s

The many advantages of a medicine cabinet with a mirror

Having a medicine cabinet with a mirror in your bathroom can be very useful in your daily routine. It will save you time in the morning when you need to get ready for your day, and it will save you time in the evening when you are ready to kick back and relax. You save

Increase testosterone through exercise

Increasing testosterone through exercise is one of the best ways to naturally increase testosterone levels. However, there are some precautions that you should be aware of. That is because Some forms of exercise can lower your testosterone levels! For example, if you exercise for too long, you can damage your testosterone levels. Testosterone levels after

I love Mexico, it’s great

Mexico is a country located south of North America. It borders the United States to the north, the Gulf of California to the northwest, the Pacific to the west, Guatemala and Belize to the south, and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean to the east. Its geographic features are diverse, ranging from swamp to

Embracing change through poetry

The Brummets began writing professionally in 1999 and wanted to use this as a tool to create positive change and motivate readers to lead more proactive lives. ?According to Lillian: ????Poetry has the unique application of allowing the writer to express their own hopes, dreams or pains, and to explore the creative use of words,