Special education reform?

I remember over 20 years ago when I was getting my graduate degree in Special Education and a friend of mine who was getting his degree in elementary education told me that his father, a school principal, said that he probably shouldn’t waste time getting one. master’s degree. in Special Education. He said that special

Where can you come in with a 170 LSAT score?

Many people wonder where a 170 LSAT score takes them. The average LSAT score is 150. But a 170 can pretty much get you anywhere as long as you have a high enough grade point average (GPA). Based on recent statistical data, you have a good chance of getting into any of the 25-30 law

Career groups, a bridge between education and career planning

Since the 1960s, the career pool resources have been used as career planning and exploration tools in schools, learning communities, and organizations across the country. Career Clusters is a system that combines educational and career planning. Step 1: Identification of the areas of interest of the career group Career groups are groups of similar occupations

Bringing the score to life (Part 2)

For many beginning writers, and also for some veterans, the punctuation can be confusing. The scoring rules sometimes seem arcane, abstract, and even random. But if we see punctuation as a form of traffic control: commands to stop, pause, look ahead, etc. – it is easy to master these necessary grammar rules. In a previous

Why are we so fascinated by true crime stories?

Some time ago when I was employed in a job that was completely boring, I discovered a website that contained a repository of these fascinating true crime stories that appealed to me. For almost a year after that, my life was not the same. Whenever I found myself with little to do, I would visit

Online Income – Is There Real Legal Work From Home?

Definitely! There are numerous actual legal work from home jobs on the web. You just need to find them. However, one caveat. Don’t be fooled by sites that tell you they have tons of opportunities waiting for you if you only sign up for a monthly fee. All the information they give you can be

Caribbean food

Caribbean food is recognized around the world for its unique combination of flavors and spices. While the origins of most Caribbean recipes are attributed to other cultures that introduce the basic elements or spices and products to the islands, the reality is that once on the islands, the locals had to adapt their recipes to

Coffee culture in America

It wasn’t until I moved to the US that I started drinking coffee regularly and became what they call in the Netherlands a ‘koffieleut’, which literally translates to ‘coffee socialite’. Although the average European drinks more coffee per year than the average American, the cultural importance and its effects on the average European seems to

Are you aspiring to get a job in computer forensics? Look at this post

Do you think you have control over all your valuable assets, including trillions of dollars in transactions that occur throughout the year? If yes, I’m sure you must have developed a sophisticated, multi-faceted approach to cyber security upfront, and if not, you should consider developing one. With the age of digitization, cybercrime is increasing at