What types of foods do you use for sides on Nutrisystem?

Sometimes I hear from people who are a little confused about adding the fresh items from the grocery store to their Nutrisystem meals. And there may be some reluctance to even bother with sides because no one wants to work hard on the diet only to add counter-foods to what you’re trying to do to

Homemade sex toys to have fun with the penis

Masturbation is nice in itself, but sometimes a guy likes to add something different to his penis fun. Clearly, sex toys are one of the preferred options here, but there can be drawbacks. For example, a guy might not have one on hand when he wants one, or they might not fit into his tight

Spice up your high protein diet with seasonings

Are you one of those people who ask “what can I do to add variety to my same chicken and fish?” If so, you are not alone! Weight-loss surgery patients on a high-protein diet quickly get bored with routine protein dishes, but fear that taking too many culinary liberties will divert them from weight loss

Ketogenic Diet: Is The Ultimate Low Carb Diet Good For You?

These days many of my patients have been asking about a ketogenic eating plan. Is a ketogenic weight loss program safe? Would you recommend it? Despite the current hype, a ketogenic diet isn’t always something new. In drugs, we’ve used it for almost a hundred years to treat drug-resistant epilepsy, especially in children. In the

Home exercises to lose weight quickly – 5 tips

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss regimen. But with busy schedules, we all want to know which exercises will help us lose the most weight fast. Generally speaking, there are two types of exercise: aerobic and strength (or anaerobic), and each contributes differently to weight loss. Aerobic exercise burns fat calories while

Bodybuilding Tips: A Review

Bodybuilding refers to the effort to build muscle mass in the body. As with most exercise routines, bodybuilding needs a holistic approach to be successful. That, combined with some helpful tips, can help you get the body you’ve always dreamed of. Bodybuilding Tip #1 Measure your current body weight and body dimensions. Consult with a

Herbs, Seasonings and Spices in Medifast – What is allowed?

I recently heard from someone who asked me, “How terrible would it be for me to add pepper to my Medifast lean and green meals?” I couldn’t clarify if he meant pepper as a spice or pepper as a vegetable. So, in the following article, I am going to address both scenarios. Adding spices to

Secrets of self discipline

I used to smoke cigarettes. A lot. If I ran out of cigarettes and the stores were closed, no problem, I would take butts out of the ashtray or trash and smoke them. I smoked right when I woke up and right before I went to bed. Sometimes he smoked while eating. I knew it

How to get rid of a bra bulge

A little-known, but powerful, side effect of a natural breast lift is its ability to quickly and easily eliminate back fat and bra bulge. Bra bulge is not only caused by excess fatty tissue in the upper back and ribcage, but is also the result of loss of muscle tissue firmness in these areas, specifically