SEO and website development

You are developing your first website and there is so much to learn that you don’t know where to start. It can be a daunting task the first time you get started, because it typically requires a complex combination of graphic, psychological, and marketing concepts to successfully meet your website design goals. Your goal Your

How to make your content visible on social media

Creating content for social media is an important part of any business’s marketing strategy. It can be a blurb that goes with a link to a video or blog post, or it can be an infographic or meme to help you get a point or two across. Plan in advance Most people seem to completely

PR Strategy Trends for 2017

The public relations industry continues to evolve. As visual storytelling, digital and social media continue to play a larger role, many marketers are looking to incorporate more tools into their PR war chest. Here are some of the most popular trends that could give your business a boost and a heads-up over your competition. 1.

Unique business brainstorming

Developing truly unique concepts is a struggle, so there are often many “copies” within an industry. Our new business, product and service ideas are often based on existing products and services, producing only incrementally different results. Moving out of the existing framework to see opportunities from a new perspective is the key. What is brainstorming?

The debate on education in the United States must move to a higher level

Public education was created in part to be one of the mediating institutions that would shape the American character one citizen at a time. It is critical to creating responsible citizens capable of making informed decisions in order to produce and maintain a functioning system of government. For at least a generation, public education has

Three ways to use success and motivation quotes

Many people write great quotes that they find while reading or surfing the Internet, and compile them in a notebook or computer file. If you haven’t been collecting your favorite quotes, get started now. This article presents three ideas on how you can use your motivational and success quotes once your collection is ready. Put

5 online marketing questions to answer in the new year

With the new year here, it’s safe to say that you have high hopes for the future of your business. While there are sure to be challenges in 2015, if you play your cards right, you’ll know you’re in a position to do great things. You don’t want to wait any longer to decide on

Dos and Don’ts of a Scrapbook

Scrapbooks aren’t always just for photos. I tend to go out with myself a lot, but when I was a kid, my sister had a scrapbook that I used to sneak into from time to time. Of course, back then I used plain paper and colored cardstock that are now acid yellow. He also used

4 easy steps to create a beat selling website

If you are a music producer or beat maker, you know that having your own website to showcase your beats and instrumentals is essential. Often times, future growers have cash problems and are on a tight budget. Below you will find instructions on how to create your own beat selling website. 1. Create a free

Why signing up for YouTube is the way to go

YouTube has long been the leading video-sharing website on the planet. Different users around the world can watch different videos on a wide range of topics. Watching a movie, learning about a certain topic, seeing someone’s point of view when performing a specific task, and many other things can be done just by looking at