Why Christian Singers and Speakers Need a Blog

Your blog gives you another platform to spread the Gospel. You and I know that there are millions of people who need to hear the truth. So use your blog posts to highlight a Bible verse that touched your heart or changed your life. Include that verse in your blog post and connect with your

Top 10 Blogging Tips

Most of the “rules” about writing ezines and newsletters apply to writing posts for your blog, but there are some important differences. Keep these 10 tips in mind, and you’ll be posting great blog content that will attract leads and customers in your niche. one. Write with the reader in mind. Do you remember WIIFM?

Argan oil trumps plastic suggestions, fillers and anti-wrinkle creams

Plastic surgery is not a walk in the park. Although these procedures can go well at times, you can also experience serious consequences. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but facelifts can cause nerve damage. After all, the procedure is surgery, so the risks associated with surgeries apply here as well. For example, people have experienced

Salesforce CPQ Training by Industry Experts

Salesforce CPQ Training Salesforce CPQ Training by industry experts is designed to train learners in core concepts and practices. The course provides learners with hands-on experience to build their skills. It teaches the CPQ tool’s features and uses, including pricing methods, contracting, pricing models, and custom actions. Salesforce CPQ Training is a tool used by

All about Google sanctions

A Google penalty is a negative impact on your site’s ranking. Penalties may be due to Google algorithm updates or manual review. A tell-tale sign that your site has been penalized is a sudden drop in your rankings and traffic. How to identify a Google penalty It’s impossible to tell that your site has been

How to create an ebook cover

What I would like to cover today is how to make an ebook cover. There are a number of services that will do this for you and the cost varies depending on the service. If you choose to go this route, you’ll obviously want to see their work and find out if you can work

How to manage a business process improvement project

Project management books abound, but you won’t find one that addresses how to manage a business process improvement (BPI) project. This article focuses on closing that gap. In a sense, a BPI project is just like any other project: you create a project plan to help keep you on track, as you always do, to

Is the Yahoo overture gone forever? Here’s what to do about it

Inventory.Overture.com — where did it go? I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this, but I’ve been monitoring inventory.overture.com since last night and still haven’t been able to access it. So what does it all mean? The internet is a fast animal and change is everywhere. We all need to learn to adapt and grow

go ahead I hear you

In today’s fast-paced environment, interaction with family and friends is often relegated to a few spare minutes here and there, leaving many people feeling isolated. The radio fills the void. Radio provides an emotional one-on-one experience. Create a connection that is a personal and unique experience for each listener. It’s just you and the voice

It’s Time to Start Marketing Your Manufacturing Business on the Internet

There are many manufacturing companies that get most of their business through word of mouth, loyal customers, and partnership agreements. For this reason, it’s crucial to consider expanding your reach and taking a look at online marketing. Manufacturers who leverage content to promote their brand/business online are able to attract new potential buyers, retain current