Publicly listing a business: the advantages and disadvantages

A company’s reasons for deciding to go public often include the ability to gain access to capital markets for financial expansion and acquisitions. Typically, they have spent many years reinvesting profits and guaranteeing loans, and rather than sell themselves out, they want to stay with the company and be a part of its future growth.

Promotion "Over the line" Y "below the line"

The promotion can be loosely classified as “above the line” and “below the line” promotion. Promotional activities carried out through mass media such as television, radio, press, etc. is above the promotion line. The terms promotion or “below the line” communications refer to forms of non-media communication, including non-media advertising. Below the line promotions are

Develop perseverance and wisdom in the face of trials

The New Testament book of James describes trials as trials that come through suffering that Christians must endure and overcome. James 1:2-4 sees enduring trials as a reason for joy, because they produce maturity and develop perseverance. Perseverance is the constancy in the belief or security of eternal security in Jesus Christ, which the believer

Dematerialization and Rematerialization in Stock Investment

Dematerialization is the conversion of a share certificate from its physical form to an electronic form for the same share number that was credited to your dematerialization account that you opened through a participant deposit. Dematerialization is a process by which the company retrieves physical share certificates from an investor and credits an equivalent amount

Success and Hydrodynamics – Life Lessons from the Pool

THE HISTORY Keep your elbow up. Reach and slide. No, keep your arm straight, don’t let it fall. Fingers in the water first. Keep your hand cupped like a spoon, not a fork, not a knife, a spoon. Rotate your hips. Keep your body rigid. Your whole body should lean to one side. Rotate your

Document management can help increase compliance at your funeral home

The document management buzz continues to grow in the funeral industry. But do you really know what document management is? Document management systems let you scan paper documents or print electronic documents directly into an online filing cabinet and add index values ​​(tags) to documents so you can easily retrieve them by searching for a

Credit cards for people with bad credit or no credit

You’ve decided you’re ready for a credit card. As a young consumer, this is an important step for your financial future. For those who are not new consumers but are ready for the next step after recovering from previous credit problems, this can be an important step in their financial recovery. Consumers who are getting

Harmonization: is it global or international?

Harmonization is vital to accounting in today’s world. Harmonization falls under the concept of international convergence. As mentioned on the Financial Accounting Standards Board website, convergence first occurred in the late 1950s in response to post-World War II economic integration and related increases in cash flows. cross-border capital. According to, harmonization is described as

Simple ways to extend your smartphone battery life

It’s funny how quickly the most high-tech computer or smartphone can be instantly brought down by something as low-tech as a dead battery. It doesn’t matter how much time you need to be on the phone in your line of work; no one wants to know how it was unavailable because it ran out of