Masking European animism

The ancient peoples of Europe liked masks and religious rituals more than you. I would be suspicious if you saw the Europeans today. The use of masks and shamanism were part and part of everyday life in the ancient Western European tradition, the researchers say. Stories abound about African and North American tribal shamans, but

World of Warcraft Strategy: Pit of Saron

Pit of Saron (aka PoS to players) is the second of three new 5-man dungeons located in the Frozen Halls in Icecrown Citadel. To enter Pit of Saron, players must complete Forge of Souls first and complete their quest chain, allowing them to explore further in the Frozen Corridors. Many players are interested in getting

Fantasy Football Tips to Play Fantasy Football Like a Pro

The best way to learn any subject is to experience it first hand. No amount of cheat sheets, checklists, advice from friends, or new ideas can replace the wisdom that comes with years of experience. The good news is that it is possible to gain some insights from those who have been there before. Our

Black Walnut – Wart Killer

My son had been bugging me about this “thing” on my big toe for a while now, and to tell you the truth, I didn’t think it was much, so yeah, I did put him off and really didn’t take the time. to examine the matter completely. At the time I examined the “thing” it

New-Old China – 2003 Editorial

“Can we walk with you and practice English?” This was the polite question of two Chinese university students who stood in the twilight in front of the Kwangchow Hotel complex for foreigners in September 1979. My wife and I had gotten used to the request during a journalists’ tour of ancient China, the week President

How to be successful in life without hurting others

Don’t we hate the guy who learns to be successful in life by taking others down? We would like to think that they will get their karma, and I think they will. Because people who really learn to be successful in life know that when you learn to help others, you help yourself. And since

Real Estate Advertising Ideas: 5 Unique Advertising Options

When building a client base for real estate, success is not an overnight feat. It will take a lot of work. Letting other people know about your business or the property you sell does not totally mean that you have to place a lot of text-based ads all over the place. You have to be

Understanding the health benefits of moderate consumption of red wine

Previous epidemiological studies suggested that alcohol, and therefore wine, beer and spirits, was the compound responsible for the claimed health benefits despite its negative effects, such as alcoholism and social impacts, Cognitive developmental deficiencies, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and an increased risk of breast cancer in women is indisputable. In moderate consumption, alcohol has been