Business Grants: Tips on How to Find Them


There are a large number of grants available in the United States, but business grants are available in specific industries and for specific purposes. A large portion of these types of grants are offered for single mothers, battered women, and the homeless. Finding business grants can take some research and organizing effort, but here are some resources to help you.

Start with the Small Business Administration. The SBA is a government agency mandated to help small business owners and entrepreneurs. SBA counselors can help you identify which grants you may qualify for and help you outline the procedures for applying for and obtaining grants. You must call your local Small Business Administration office to make an appointment to meet with an SBA counselor.

Be prepared when you meet with your counselor. You must have a business plan, a financial plan, and a marketing plan for your business. You must also bring your tax returns for the previous two years, both business and personal. You will need your Statement of Assets and Liabilities and your Statement of Profit and Loss as well.

A copy of your personal credit report and your company’s D&B credit report, if you have one.

Once you’ve made your appointment with your SBA counselor and gathered the appropriate documents, you can head to two places to do some more research on your own.

First, head over to your library. There may be local business grants provided by your city, county or state that are not ‘federal’ grants that can help you finance your business ventures. Libraries keep a record of all public notices and literature supplied by these agencies, and your librarian will know exactly where to look for this information.

Some agencies that might offer business grants might be your local Better Business Bureau and your local Chamber of Commerce. Your city may have other ‘business’ development agencies that can also help you. You can even find your local SCORE chapter and make an appointment with a counselor there. SCORE is a nonprofit organization made up of retired executives who volunteer their time to help start-ups and small businesses. In SCORE. You will find more than a resource, you will find a counselor, a coach, a mentor, and most likely a friend. When searching for business grants, your first goal should be to be organized and well armed with the information you need to give to the people who can help you.

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