Bacterial Vaginosis – Home Treatment

Lifestyle Fashion

Many women misdiagnose bacterial vaginosis as a yeast infection, so it’s very important to see a doctor if you think you might have it. Delaying proper treatment can often lead to much more complicated conditions. The entire approach to bacterial vaginosis home treatment is aimed at rebalancing the normal vaginal flora. If this can be achieved then getting rid of bacterial vaginosis becomes easy. Home treatment for naturally occurring bacterial vaginosis offers a safe, inexpensive, and effective alternative to repeated visits to a medical facility.

The home treatment regimen consists of supplements and natural vaginal suppositories. It is an ideal treatment as it strengthens the body and makes it better able to fight pathogens on its own. Commonly prescribed drugs can destroy bad bacteria, but they also tend to kill all the good bacteria. Good bacteria are necessary to keep the vaginal immune system healthy. It can result in the weakening of the entire system and cause recurrent infections and sometimes years of fighting bacterial vaginosis. Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis have proven effective in most cases. These are some of the proven home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.

The yogurt treatment uses lactobacilli, a strain of bacteria that normally lives in the human small intestine and vagina. Lactobacillus acidophilus is also present in yogurt. It can help restore acid balance in the vagina. Lactobacillus acidophilus can be taken by mouth or inserted directly into the vagina. Plain yogurt, which contains live acidophilus cultures, can also be eaten straight. Vaginal inserts, in the form of yogurt-soaked tampons, are another effective alternative, or you can try douching with a teaspoon of acidophilus and 2 cups of water.

A boric acid shower is an ideal alternative to acidify the vaginal pH. However, some women are known to be sensitive to this douche.

A vinegar shower, made by mixing a tablespoon of vinegar per quart of warm water, is also just as effective.

A hydrogen peroxide shower treatment can be prepared by first combining a quarter cup of water with 3% hydrogen peroxide and then diluting it with two cups of water.

Tea tree oil is known to have antifungal properties that attack the “bad” bacteria that cause bacterial vaginosis. Tea tree oil suppositories can be inserted directly into the vagina for up to 6 weeks. However, care should be taken to never apply tea tree oil directly to the sensitive vaginal lining, as it can cause an allergic reaction.

Grapefruit seed extract douche is prepared by combining one teaspoon of grapefruit seed extract diluted in two cups of water. Grapefruit seed extract should never be applied directly to the sensitive vaginal lining, as it can cause an allergic reaction.

Using cold compresses can help provide some relief when there is swelling and itching. This can be done by placing a cold tea bag or cold washcloth on the affected area; it causes the blood vessels to constrict and makes the area less red and swollen.

Garlic is commonly called ‘nature’s antibiotic’. Garlic contains alliums, which is a very important compound that helps fight infection. Garlic capsule supplements containing 5,000 micrograms of allium can be taken daily until symptoms subside.

Neem is antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial. Although it can destroy harmful bacteria and viruses, it does not kill beneficial intestinal flora or cause adverse side effects. Taking Neem bark extract powder regularly can help improve antibody production and the body’s cell-mediated immune response, and help fight infection.

A sure way to permanently eliminate bacterial vaginosis is to successfully re-implant the beneficial bacteria into the vaginal canal and gastrointestinal tract. This could take several months depending on the severity of the condition. But once the infection is under control, it is better to switch to a healthier lifestyle maintenance program to keep the body healthy and the intestines moving regularly to remove toxins from the body. It is recommended to drink at least 4 ounces of 100% cranberry juice daily, drink milk with live acidophil cultures, and eat yogurt with live acidophil cultures.

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