Accessories for babies


We all know that having a baby is a lot of work. From choosing clothes to bathroom items, from strollers to car seats. When it ends? When they turn eighteen? You can only wait. I have had 4 children. You think it would just be easier. But wrong again. They always come out with new baby stuff. You know you have to have it. Today I am going to give you a few ideas for basic baby things. Now let’s talk about.


2 sets of fitted crib sheets or bassinet (whichever you use first. I suggest a bassinet)
7-10 receiving blankets
crib bumper (you could also buy the whole comforter set).

2. CHANGE SUPPLIES (you will need them)

Vaseline (I prefer diaper rash ointment)
diaper rash ointment
cotton swabs (now they have baby! Great).
36-60 cloth diapers with eight pins and eight on the pants (hope you like to wash)
1 or 2 packs of disposable diapers for newborns (they grow so fast I wouldn’t suggest more than that).


7-14 burp cloths
3 nursing arms
6 nursing pads
lanolin ointment
breast pump with bottles and storage bags
two-week supply of newborn formula (be sure to talk to your doctor to see which one is right for your baby)
6-8 4-ounce bottles and nipples for newborns

4. CLOTHING SUPPLIES (I don’t like to do a lot of laundry so I suggest more clothes even if she grows so fast. Hard to wash everyday. Especially for working moms.)

7-8 one-piece undershirts
7-8 one piece shirt/pants suits
7-8 flame retardant one-piece pajamas
7-8 flame retardant nightgowns (if you like them or if you have a girl)
7-8 pairs of socks
mittens that don’t scratch (they like to attack their poor little faces)
3-4 hats (now most outfits come with hats)
fleece suit, sweater and coat (depending on the weather)

5. BATH AND TOILET ITEMS (we all know that bath time is the best time of the day)

small plastic tub
3-4 hooded towels
7-8 cloths
baby bath soap (if they don’t have allergies)
baby shampoo (if they have hair)
grooming kit with nail clippers (to trim sharp nails)
nasal bulb (which they will hate but it will help them breathe easier).

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