8 facts you should know about the main myths of the vegetarian diet

Health Fitness

Probably the healthiest eating pattern you can follow is that of a vegetarian or vegan. However, people (especially meat eaters) or people who like fast food often classify vegetarians, or those who practice that lifestyle, as frail or anemic.

However, those are just two of the “myths-concepts” perceived by people who are not used to eating vegetarian or vegan food. In fact, many of the vegetables and fruits included in vegetarian menu plans are nutrient-dense and low in calories.

Plant-based diets offer elite nutrition and a boon for health effects like lower risks of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. The Adventist Health Study 2 showed that vegans weigh an average of 30 pounds less than carnivores. There are great benefits to eating from the ground, and it’s important to know the facts and ignore the rumors.

The following myths and facts should help you debunk some of the “myth concepts” associated with a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Myth 1: Vegetarian diets lack iron, so vegetarians and vegans are often anemic

Made: The vegetarian or vegan diet includes iron-rich and anti-anemic foods such as mushrooms, dried apricots, dark green leafy vegetables, beans and peas.

Myth 2: Vegetarians don’t get enough protein

Made: Many vegan foods, such as beans and whole grains, provide a large amount of protein.

Myth 3: You cannot follow a vegetarian diet when you are pregnant

made: Pregnant women consider a vegetarian diet the best way to provide nutrition for their unborn baby and lose extra pounds after delivery. Fruits, legumes, grains, and vegetables not only provide plenty of iron and calcium, but also fiber, which reduces digestive discomfort associated with pregnancy.

Myth 4: You cannot follow a vegetarian diet if you play sports

Made: Many athletes successfully follow a vegetarian diet, obtaining muscle-quality protein from foods such as beans, grains, tempeh, and soy products, which provide as much protein as animal products.

Other foods that increase stamina and keep athletes lean and strong include peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, raisins, cheese, eggs, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, black beans, lentils and the chickpeas. Quinoa is an excellent source of nutrition and protein.

Myth 5: It is difficult to get children to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet

Made: Some of the foods featured in the vegetarian or vegan meal include peanut butter, popcorn, and a variety of delicious fruits such as strawberries, blackberries, kiwi, grapes, apples, oranges, and pears. Tacos, wraps and shakes are tasty and nutritious vegan and vegetarian foods. Most children will not refuse these healthy and delicious foods.

Myth 6: Switching to a vegan or vegetarian diet is difficult

Made: You don’t have to make a significant change to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, as adjusting to one can, over time, become quite easy. Make a few changes to start, and then keep adding until the animal products are completely removed.

For example, you could try making tacos with black beans instead of meat. You can eliminate the meat or chicken from the stir fry. Progressive changes will help you make a change that is as successful as it is healthy. Mushrooms are plentiful and make a great main dish. Veggie burgers, tofu sausage, tempeh bacon are tasty vegetarian meals.

Myth 7: Vegetarians do not like to use any animal products

Made: Vegetarians simply avoid meat to eat healthier. They often don’t mind using animal by-products like wool or leather. Vegans, on the other hand, have usually given up both meat and animal derivatives. In general, vegans do not support the use or consumption of any animal products, including honey, wool, silk, and leather. Veganism is more of a philosophy than a diet.

Myth 8: Vegetarians and vegans often need to include supplements in their diet

Made: The only supplement needed to support a vegan diet is B-12, found only in red meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. Otherwise, vegetarians and vegans get many of the required vitamins (group B, A, E, C) through grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits. Many vegetarian and vegan foods are also high in iron and calcium.

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