5 simple and fun ways to get out of the way

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In my years as a coach, it is often not as easy as others pretend to be. It takes hard work, patience, persistence, connection to my source. Time to get out of your way.

One of the best things I’ve learned is that it doesn’t always have to be difficult. This are good news. It is not our job to work hard to make things happen. When we ask for help, let it go. All we have to do is clarify our sense of self and then get out of our own way.

Here are some proven fun and creative ways to “get out of your own way.” Start making your purpose a reality. As you read them, you may find yourself thinking:

“How could something so easy and enjoyable add life to my business and myself?

No matter what comes up for you in your personal life, try applying one or more of these ideas to the problem, challenge, or concern.

If you can keep an open mind and really work on these 5 Ideas. Start taking advantage of more and more possibilities. Realize that life solutions are always at hand.

You are meant to live on purpose, so relax and trust the universe. Get out of your own way and just take some time to do things differently. Let your success flow.

5 simple and fun ways to get out of the way

  1. Start your morning with a 5 minute visualization

A short daily routine of visualizing your dreams will actually recondition your mind, allowing your goals to seep into your subconscious. Conjure up the image of the ideal lifestyle of your dreams in the most vivid and descriptive way possible.

  1. Sleep on it.

Between setting intentions and manifesting them, there must be a temporary period of forgetting. Try it with something simple: want a perfect parking spot? Decide that you need the perfect spot to park, and then give yourself enough time to forget about your intention before you arrive. The sooner you think of something else, the sooner reality can get to work.

  1. take some quiet time

Einstein is often quoted as saying, “My best ideas come to me while I’m taking a shower in the morning.” His subconscious mind is constantly working but cannot be forced. Good ideas need to be incubated.

  1. If you’re stuck on an idea, open a dictionary.

Select a word at random and then try to formulate ideas incorporating this word. You will be surprised how well it works. The concept is based on a simple but little known truth; freedom inhibits creativity; there’s nothing like restrictions to make you think

  1. take a break

… meditate, go for a walk, or ride a bike, or a long car ride. Any action that quiets your mind and allows it to wander can generate inspiration.

Have you ever noticed that you get great ideas to answer challenges while you’re in the shower or at the gym? Take some time to be alone, listen and let your mind be free.

Ultimately, success is about living on purpose with passion. Only we humans sometimes get so involved in what we are doing, we often forget to nurture ourselves.

Use any of these techniques and see what comes up and how you can use that information. Your inner knowing, the higher guide knows. Transform, trust and change your experience.

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