3 Incredibly Effective Tips On Potty Training Dogs! Learn how to stop your dog from going potty indoors!


Dog potty training is much easier than most people think. In fact, if you follow a few basic rules and apply them consistently, it’s possible to keep your dog from relieving himself inside her apartment in a few weeks. However, you should keep in mind that your dog will first have to relieve herself inside a couple of times to understand that this is not exactly what he wants her to do. Also, remember that cleanliness is a natural part of potty training dogs and it pays to prepare adequate samples to combat urine and poop odor. NEVER hit or yell at your dog as this will only slow down the potty training process and confuse your dog as to what he is expected to do. Dogs are not able to connect on a mental level the act of eliminating in the past with the stinky stain you found on the carpet an hour later. They’ll just think you don’t like urine and feces and stop eliminating regularly (which is extremely unhealthy) or eat poop to hide it from you.

1. Dog potty training with the use of cages

One of the easiest ways to speed up the potty training process is to purchase a crate for your pet. It will serve as a den where your dog can hide away from all the noise and commotion of everyday life and relax for a bit. Because dogs are naturally clean animals, they won’t dirty their sleeping area unless they’re forced to. Living in a cage, they will have to learn to control their bladder and colon. It’s your job to get your dog out into the yard immediately after you open the crate door. This way he will get used to the fact that sooner or later you are going to let him go out to relieve himself in a suitable place.

2. Potty training of dogs with the use of public toilets

No, just kidding 😛 What I meant is that you need to find a suitable spot somewhere outside your garden, patio or park and make it a permanent bathing area for your dog. How do you do that? Simply take your dog to the designated spot whenever he wants to relieve himself. You’ll know he can’t take it anymore by watching his behavior: rolling around and sniffing means he needs to relieve himself SOON! You can also use the leash to limit your dog’s possibilities of movement. After a few days, the chosen spot will start to attract your dog automatically due to the intense smell that he has left behind after his previous visits. Just be sure to clean the place from time to time, as dogs hate to relieve themselves in a messy place and may look for alternatives like their home. This would obviously slow down the dog’s potty training process.

3. Potty training dogs at the right time

The third piece of advice I have for you, just as important as the previous ones, is to schedule the meals you give your pet regularly. Always take him out within the first 20 minutes after he has finished eating, this is particularly important in the case of young puppies who cannot control their bladder and colon until 12 weeks. Your dog needs to understand that sooner or later he’ll have a chance to relieve himself outside and that there’s no need to panic and do it inside (especially if he stays in his crate and doesn’t want to mess it up). Remember that potty training your dog doesn’t have to be a daunting experience and it will be much easier if you follow these 3 simple tips.

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