Divorce: If you die, where will your children live?

After your divorce, the judge’s custody order may not be the final word on where your children will live. Yes, circumstances may change and you and your ex may make different arrangements, either by court order or voluntarily. However, what happens if one of you dies? What if the one the Grim Reaper meets turns

How to deal with unhealthy jealousy: what couples need to know

A little jealousy adds a bit of spice to a relationship, but too much jealousy can be destructive in any romantic relationship. Jealousy occurs when a spouse feels threatened by a third party that he or she believes to be a rival and a threat to their relationship. Jealousy can be healthy or harmful and

Top 5 Short Stories and Fairy Tales for Kids

Tales and fairy tales are loved all over the world. We all enjoy listening to fairy tales narrated by our parents, grandparents, and caregivers. These stories are very interesting and fun and not only keep children entertained, but also help them improve their reading and speaking skills and develop a strong vocabulary. Let’s take a

Serviced apartments are the trend of the times

Serviced apartments are basically the fully furnished apartments that are made available to the public for short and long stays. It includes several amenities such as housekeeping and several different guest services and taxes are included in the rental price. These types of apartments offer the guest the services and comforts of a traditional hotel,

MLM dream thieves

One of the biggest hurdles for new MLM recruits to overcome is dream stealers, so-called well-meaning friends or relatives who will try to convince recruits to quit or not even start in the first place. Let’s call this band of people “Larry & the Dream Stealers”. There are many reasons why Larry & the Dream

Baseball hats have come a long way

The baseball cap, worn by both team players and fans, is an important symbol of the game of baseball. In 1860 there were many styles of baseball caps. The baseball cap of the late 1860s was made of wool and ranged in price from $1.25 to $2 each. Today there are still different styles and

5 Steps to Become an Internet Radio Host!

What is required to become an internet radio host? You must have a great personality. You must be the kind of person who can catch someone’s eye. You should have something to say that people want to hear. You must have a passion for speaking. You need to interact with your listeners Captivating an audience

Golang for Business – Language for Business Intelligence

Golang for companies With a plethora of programming technologies in use today, Golang for Google Enterprises aims to be modern, popular, and interesting, as described by most Golang-using businesses or software developers today. But one question remains: “Is Golang/Go really an eligible competitor that has applicability for various software development practices for various platforms and

Latest apps available on the Google Play Store

If you don’t own an Apple device, you shouldn’t be disappointed as you now have so much more to do with your Google-powered device. Downloading the latest apps available from the Google app store, for example, will get you up and running and let you enjoy your Android smartphone. Let’s take a look at what’s